EuroSwap EDEX Prepares to Join Coinmarketcap Calendar List

for various applications and projects in the public blockchain space geared towards disrupting the world of traditional finance. Inspired by blockchain technology, DeFi is referred to as a financial application built on blockchain technology.
Cryptocurrencies have exploded into a trillion dollar industry today, sparking a wave of financial disruption around the world. At the heart of cryptocurrency is a remarkable history of innovation that goes back to the 1980s, with advances in cryptography. Since then, a series of events have shaped the crypto space; the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, became the most prominent. Despite its spectacular growth in the last 12 years, financial services have emerged very slowly for Bitcoin — largely due to its inherent lack of stability and adoption. Mainstream institutions will not accept Bitcoin loans due to its significant price volatility — it makes Bitcoin a poor asset to plan any investment accurately. Things are changing rapidly in the crypto space, and decentralized finance (DeFi) is the current trend — it’s an exciting space, no doubt about it.

As we all know, the world is moving very fast in technology, the emergence of blockchain technology also provides added value for many people, at this time definitely makes infrastructure SWAPULT.

defi #Exchange $SWAPT


cross-chain for token pools and auctions supported by decentralized, infrastructure. by facilitating the purchase and transfer of tokens between blockchains. As blockchain-cryptocurrency innovators seek decentralized and censorship-resistant means of fundraising, Initial DeFi Offerings (IDOs) and Initial Liquidity Offers (ILO) have emerged. Moreover, with the advent of Automated Market Makers (AMM), token liquidity has become an important determinant of its market price. While markets are becoming more competitive and value-oriented, early-stage innovators are facing unprecedented challenges due to these fast-paced changes. Before registering, they must now seek liquidity investments for their tokens. In turn, however, that scenario presents new opportunities for early-stage investors,


Swap Solution

Swapult is a swapping protocol that envisions a decentralized way to connect early stages

blockchain-cryptocurrency innovators and investors. Its unified interface allows project owners to launch and manage liquidity auctions that are easy for investors to find on the platform.

Swapult embarked on a long-term mission to disrupt and fully decentralize liquidity auctions. the project was built with a vision to facilitate greater interoperability through cross-chain interactions, which in turn will further strengthen the adoption and value of DeFi.

Safe & Reliable

As such, there are two major barriers to mainstreaming DeFi, aside from the often-discussed issue of scalability. Most of the existing projects are not user friendly and steep

learning curve. Besides, a bug-laden and poorly written smart contract seems to be

weakens DeFi’s potential to be tamper-proof. To mitigate this problem, we have used React

Native to build responsive Swapult UI, along with intuitive information architecture. At this stage, the stacks we use for MVP are Solidity, javascript, react, web3, and key

integrations include Remix, Truffle, and MetaMask. Besides, we have migrated

platform with Tomochain and is now working on integration with Polkadot parachains.

Change Market Opportunities

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has consistently gained popularity in the past year, and

now, we are witnessing the much-anticipated explosion of adoption. Driven by the emergence of decentralization

exchanges like Uniswap, as well as some promising dApp solutions, the market has grown with

over 1000% since 2019. At the time of writing, DeFi’s total market cap is over $16


Despite this, however, adoption still faces some obstacles. Blockchaincryptocurrency startups need to bootstrap liquidity, to ensure favorable trading prices on

DEX and other AMM based platforms. In this context, there is an increasing demand for decentralization,

an integrated cross-chain ecosystem that allows project owners to easily and safely conduct pre-registered liquidity auctions.

In turn, this is a long-term business opportunity and market scope for layer-3 exchange

protocols such as Swapult.

Change the Ecosystem

Broadly speaking, there are two categories of Swapult users. One of them involves the Project Owner or Pool

Creators, while Investors or Liquidity Providers (LP) consist of other people. In this section, we discuss

available pool types, user flows, pool state, and Swapult governance model.

Pool Type

There will be two types of pools on the platform— Direct Selling Pools (DSP) and Time Locked

Swimming Pool (TLP).

Direct Selling Pool (DSP): This is a pool with no lock-in period, where investors earn

tokens immediately after swap.

 Time-Locked Pools (TLP): These pools have a predetermined lock-in period and investors

receive exchanged tokens only after this duration expires. Smart exchange

the contract will also allow pool creators to define a specific lock-in period, thereby releasing

exchange assets gradually. For example, let’s say, disburse 40% of the tokens exchanged

immediately and, after say 1 month, the remaining 60% in 6-equal monthly vesting.

swimming pool status

Each pool on the Swapult platform will have one of the following states at any given time. Based on pool status (and, also type) smart contracts will transfer liquidity and auction tokens to their beneficiary wallets.

 Created: this pool is available exclusively to SWAPULT token holders.

 Open: the pool is available to all Swapult users.

 Out of Stock: the specified supply of auction tokens has sold out, but is accumulating

duration is not over. In the case of TLP, tokens will be locked for the rest


Finish: the pool has reached the end of the specified duration. Both for DSP and TLP,

the remaining tokens are returned to the PO wallet at this point. Investors, on the other hand,

get their tokens purchased (exchanged) via TLP.

 Closed: pool is complete and tokens have been cashed.

Supported Blockchain & Wallet Project Owner Flow
After onboarding, project owners must first select the blockchain protocol relevant to
their project, as well as a cryptocurrency wallet.
At the MVP stage, Swapult supports projects based on Ethereum and the MetaMask wallet.
In the future, this platform will support other blockchain ecosystems. In addition, users will be able to
integrate wallets such as WalletConnect, Coinbase Wallet, Fortmatic, Portis, as well as other nonERC20 wallets.

Pool Creation
Project owners can start a pool by clicking on the ‘Create Pool’ button. Since Swapult follows
a strict non-intervention policy, the project owner or PO needs to specify the following parameters:
 Address token (contract), contains information about name and ticker. In
the MVP phase, Swapult supports ERC-20 tokens. In the near future, the platform will integrate the non-exchangeable ERC721 token, as well as other cross-chain standards and functions.

 The total supply of tokens available for a given auction or pool.

 Assets for incoming pool payments or contributions. In the MVP phase, POs have
the option to pair their tokens with ETH or DAI or both. In the future, more swapping pairs
will be available as Swapult integrates other blockchain protocols.

 Swapping ratio—that is, the price of the auctioned token in relation to the liquidity
of the selected asset. As an incentive for Swapult token holders, the PO must specify a
discount percentage (for example, X% of the ETH price).

 The total duration of the pool, as well as whether it is a Direct Selling Pool or a TimeLocked Pool. The creators also specify the period of time (T% of total duration)
the pool will be opened exclusively for Swapult token holders.
After filling in the details, POs need to click on the ‘Start’ button to register their pool on the
Ethereum blockchain (finally, on another blockchain relevant to their project). It will also
initiate the following transactions from the selected wallet:

 A predefined supply of auction tokens will be transferred to Hash
Timelock Contracts (HTLC), where contracts will be kept for the total duration of the pool.

 Gas fees for holding pools and updating their data on Ethereum. Code
Swapult’s smart contract architecture ensures approximately 85% less gas costs for
project owners, compared to existing market standards.
The project owner will pay two categories of fees, which will be used for the development and maintenance
of the platform. For the share of auction tokens available to SWAPULT holders, the fee is
0.15% of the total liquidity generated. The rest, will be 0.2% of the total liquidity collected.
In the future, the government may choose to change the fee percentage.

The Liquidity Provider or Swapult
Investor Flow Option
has a market-like UI, where the liquidity provider or LP will be able to browse all
pools hosted on the platform — past, ongoing and future. At this stage, they will have
early access to the following information about the pool:
 Opening Time: when the pool is available. If the LP is not an eligible SWAPULT holder
, a message on the screen will specify the time when the pool is available for
non-SWAPULT holders.

 Closing Time: the time the pool duration ends.
 Time Time: remaining time available.
 Token Name: the name of the auction token, which is determined by the PO.
 Payment Method: ETH/DAI or both, as determined by the PO.
 Swapping Ratio: conversion rate is determined by PO.
 Status: the current state of the pool.
Supported Blockchain & Wallets: Even though LPs can track the above information, in order to
participate in the pool, they have chosen their preferred blockchain ecosystem and linked
the relevant wallets. In this case, they will have the same choices as the project owner.
Join Selected Auctions
Once this is done, the LPs can click the ‘Merge’ button for their chosen batch. In the settings interface,
they have to enter the number of auction tokens they want to buy or how much
ETH/DAI they want to invest.
Whatever the LP input is, the Swapult algorithm will automatically calculate the appropriate value
based on the group data. They will also receive a disclaimer informing them of the risks associated
with the investment, which they can accept or decline.
Recommendation: As a general security protocol, investors should perform a basic authenticity check
before selecting a pool. This includes reviewing smart contracts, owner portfolios, and
other similar documentation to avoid token and scam scams.
If they accept, the swap will be initiated, transacting the selected amount of ETH/DAI from the
linked wallet, plus a fee that goes to the Swapult wallet. Depending on the pool type,
auction tokens will be transferred to the same wallet immediately or after the duration of the pool.
burned. As for investors and liquidity providers, the
ownership of the SWAPULT token makes it eligible for various use cases.
Use Cases
SWAPULT Token has several use cases in the Swapult ecosystem:
 Additional Benefits: Investors holding SWAPULT tokens get additional benefits and
better swap ratio for pools running on the platform, as described in the previous section.

 Governance: The Swapult Platform will implement
a regular Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which allows SWAPULT holders to gain voting rights by staking
tokens is a designated wallet. In general, this mechanism will involve a limited period of staking,
which will be defined in detail at the launch of the governance of the platform.
Staking: Holders of SWAPULT tokens will be able to generate annual passive income from
their SWAPULT tokens, by placing them in selected ERC20 wallets. As an incentive,
SWAPULT holders will get staking rewards (discussed below allocation).
 Token Burning: Swapult adopts a Limited Top-Rated Burn policy and will use 16.667% of
his daily income to the SWAPULT buy market for token burning, with a limit of 20%
of the total supply of SWAPULT.
Reserves: These reserve tokens are allocated for future initiatives and to support
community, marketing, exchange fees, and long-term liquidity.
Token Sales Metrics
 Total Supply: 5,000,000 SWAPULT
 Pre Seed: 100,000 SWAPULT for $0.35. Key 3 months, then 8.33% monthly
 Strategic Round: 400,000 SWAPULT, at 0.455 USD. 10% at TGE, then 9% every month for
more than 10 months.
 Personal Sale 1: 700,000 SWAPULT, at $0.47775, 20% at 20% TGE, then 20%, monthly.
 Private Sale 2: 900,000 SWAPULT for $0.50050, 25% at TGE, then 25% monthly.
 Auction Pool: 100,000 SWAPULT for $0.7, unlocked.
 Selling Price: TBD.

Token Sales Metrics:

Total Supply: 5,000,000 SWAPULT

Pre Seed: 100,000 SWAPULT for $0.35. Key 3 months, then 8.33% monthly 

Strategic Round: 400,000 SWAPULT, at 0.455 USD. 10% at TGE, then 9% every month for 10 months.

Personal Sale 1: 700,000 SWAPULT, at $0.47775, 20% at TGE 20%, then 20%, monthly.

Private Sale 2: 900,000 SWAPULT for $0.50050, 25% at TGE, then 25% every month.

Auction Pool: 100,000 SWAPULT for $0.7, unlocked.

Price List: TBD

More information:

website: https://swapult.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/swapult

Telegram: https://t.me/swapult

Redeem: https://discord.com/invite/aG2XA2htyg

by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651
Ethereum address:0xAEA797Df8B023ca5D10832E8C92A6f56745Ab5BF



SpyritCoin | Game MetaVerse dengan NFT

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce a very interesting and good Spyrit project , namely and for more details, let’s go into the following discussion:

poligon # kripto # matic # spyrit

SpyritCoin is a deflation utility token designed for content creators. The Polygon Network is an ecosystem powered by SpyrtCoin and other tokens with built-in rewards, incentives and payment systems. Consuming this ecosystem provides multiple streams of passive income over time, benefiting not only content creators, but developers as well.

Blockchain innovation has guided us to a more advanced future, considering finances. More and more individuals are opening their brains to manage computerized monetary standards. This progress is something most of us would never have anticipated. Nonetheless, the crypto area continues to explode to unusual levels. The worldwide pandemic is the driving force for crypto to shine.

Some of you may confuse the notion of the collapse of traditional money and digital currencies. While in conventional money, emptying is a terrible thing, it is a positive component for digital currencies. In conventional money, emptying refers to a resource reduction in costs due to certain conditions, for example, over-stamping. With regard to Bitcoin, smoothing will generally refer to the most extreme supply of the digital currency. To be honest, the flowing supply of BTC will diminish in the long run as private keys are lost and coins become unrecoverable. Many other forms of digital money are also deflationary.

Deflationary crypto dwindles in its market supply over time. This variable indicates that the client or business group will take part in an exercise that reduces the coin stock on the blockchain. A typical method of achieving this goal is to use tokens. The important point is that a limited-supply form of digital money is of course deflationary. They achieve this status because as long as financial backers buy and hold coins, their supply decreases. An outstanding model is Bitcoin, the main coin in the crypto market and holding the most important power to date.

About SpyritCoin

SpyritCoin is a deflation utility token based on the Polygon network built around two practical conventions; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, and Liquidity Acquisition.

What is Utilities?

The utility for SpyritCoin will be used in the working platform around SPYRIT. The stage has conventions that allow clients to exchange with fast exchange speeds, automated compound marking, high return cultivation, and non-stop NFT tagging.

Our Development

  • DEFI

An application that relies on the DeFi standard, to ensure the liquidity of the free streaming business sector.

Decentralized Trading DEX based on the Polygon Network which will allow clients to buy, sell and trade their coins or tokens securely.

Convert your SpyritCoin range from Polygon organization to Spyrit Chain.

  • Staking and Farming

Put your SpyritCoin or NFT to earn from the guest house or liquidity pool.

The Spyrit Chain blockchain will be another Layer 1 blockchain convention centered on usability and scalability which is further developed, at insignificant gas costs.

  • MetaVerse

A unique story-based MetaVerse game with NFT uses and in game NFT content, called Spyrit Realm. Created and delivered on Spyrit Chain.



Token Name: SpyritCoin

Network: POLYGON

Supply: 5 BILLION

Fee: 10%

Automatic Liquidity : 5%

Dividend : 5%

SPYRIT smart contracts are safe and secure! Thank you for


for Doxx Audits! Contract address


: 0x35db0dfb42dfe164a3e4d39f91459878d564fa5b


– Q3 2021

Create Websites and Social Profiles

Send Smart Contract Token

Share V1 Whitepaper

Submit ICO Smart Contract

– Q4 2021

Foster dApp

Foster Staking dan Protokol Farming

Foster NFT Staking Protocol

Reviews and KYC

Send Pre-sale Smart Contract

Displaying and Advertising Campaigns

– Q1 2022

Public Launch

Get Partnership

Coin Listing Site

Create an NFT Collection

Foster Cross Chain DEX

– Q2 2022

Create Game Blueprints

Build a Spyrit Chain Network

Foster Cross Chain Bridge

polygon #crypto #matic #spyrit

Further information:

Website: https://spyritcoin.io/

Whitepaper : https://github.com/spyritcoin/SPYRIT-Paper/blob/main/SPYRIT%20PAPER.pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/spyritcoin

Telegram : https://t.me/spyritcoin

GitHub : https://github.com/spyritcoin

Dispute: https://discord.com/invite/xzyeMr3Rbb

by; Lamonganz
link:: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Action = profile; u = 3198651


Socialogue – NFT project on the Ethereum Network

NFT stands for non-fungible token, a unit of data stored on the blockchain that certifies a digital asset as unique and non-replicable. The first NFT project was launched back in 2015, but it’s 2021 when the market really takes off. In fact, saying it “takes off” is an understatement.

Compared to the second and third quarter of 2021, the trading volume of N FT increased by 704%. Three months is the time it takes for such growth. With more and more companies launching their own NFT, celebrities, crypto, finance, and other experts are backing it, and all the advantages that technology has — NFT will remain. But while the industry is still in its infancy and moving very fast, there is a lot to improve.

There, Socialogue will shine. Socialogue combines all the fast-growing spaces: NFT, blockchain, Metaverse and social media. All combined into one platform. It is built by taking industry best practices and making them even better. And of course overcome the shortcomings.

What is the Socialogue project?
Socialogue is fully autonomous and transparent, as well as client-oriented. Recent history shows that sooner or later everything is centered on social platforms which subject users to strict censorship. With Socialogue and its DAO Framework, this would never have happened. This platform is made for people.

Socialogue NFT Marketplace is part of the platform created and traded. The platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain, but operates without gas fees. Socialogue creates a very user-friendly interface. The Ethereum blockchain enables smooth and secure transactions. Collaboration with Immutable X means zero gas costs on the platform. The marketplace itself is easy to use and straightforward. User friendly interface and zero gas costs create a pleasant experience to participate in Sociologist.

The market offers a variety of NFTs for printing: art, photos, videos, music, short clips, e-books, and even real NFT. Building NFT on the platform is a simple and easy process. There is no step on the road to success. Socialogue offers all the tools for an easy and fun NFT creation process.

SAFETY ISSUE: Following the former, the lack of live communication and multiple channels at play can cause individuals to lose money. The NFT space, like everything else, has a black and white side. The sad truth is that some unscrupulous people use social engineering and other tricks to get someone off track to a replicated NFT store. The all-in-one platform is a much more secure and convenient solution.
NO OPTIONS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE : With the industry growing, NFT and Metaverse are the future. It is very user experience based. Community members have many ways to express their opinions but no option to influence change directly.
CLIMATE CONTROVERY: Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs have been criticized for their impact on energy consumption and climate impacts. This problem is real and widespread. An alternative way of using technology is a must.
Socialogue implemented social features and changed the way creators and collectors communicate. We are redefining the word community and the industry itself.

INTERACTIONS: Send direct messages to creators, sellers, collectors, or other community members.
EXPRESS: Send direct messages to creators, sellers, collectors or other community members.
FOLLOW: Choose the members who impress you and watch every step of their journey on Socialogue.
INFLUENCE: Make an impact by creating your own followers or joining the DAO senate. You are welcome to do both at Socialogue.
METAVERSE: A new and exciting gaming era.
VARIETY: All kinds of games — created by Socialogue and other developers.
NFTS & DAOS: Extra benefits and thrills brought to the gaming experience.
REWARDS: Real-life-like adventures that can earn you real rewards.
The game, backed by NFT and Metaverse, is gaining momentum. This can be a very interesting and rewarding experience. Socialogue will offer a variety of games, created by us and other developers. Held in one place. Reached with any device by using Socialogue Hub.

Socialogue NFT Social Platform brings all social media influence to the NFT space. The importance of social features on the platform is game-changing. It overcomes the weaknesses of the industry and provides unlimited opportunities to society.

Socialogue members can write posts, like, share, comment or send direct messages to users of any platform. By actively participating in the community, a member can create their own followers and get rewarded. The opportunities for having a following in the digital economy have never been greater.

Socialogue values ​​transparency. Setting up a profile that other community members can see is easy. This empowers creators, collectors or other members to tell their stories and even showcase the collected NFTs (Fig. 2). Strict verification for content creators is also required to keep the community safe. Socialogue has all the features of a social platform. The ability to communicate within the platform creates extra security and closer relationships. For new opportunities and more confidence.

The NFT collection allows Socialogue to add more uniqueness to the platform and user experience. Users can use tokens for various purposes. Again, mainly for better customer experience, increased loyalty and platform stability.

Platform stability is also an important indicator. Part of the Socialogue token is not sold or given away as a gift. It is important to have the tools and resources to keep the platform stable and functioning in case something unexpected happens. Socialogue has a promising future, but it’s always better to have a plan B than nothing.

METAVERSE : Socialogue offers a thrilling experience in the Metaverse. One of the exclusive sections of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where meetings, voting, discussions, and other activities take place.
PERSONAL : As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are members of the Senate have a private group to discuss upcoming changes, decisions and the future of the platform.
SUPPORT: Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and assistance to its members. The Socialogue Senate has direct contact with the platform admins for additional support and concern
2021 Q1-Q3img

Conduct in-depth market research. Resolve legal issues.
Designing the Socialogue platform. Apply leading advisory experience.
2021 Q4img

NFT collection release and Socialogue (Beta) launch.
Blockchain integration into the platform. NFT Airdrops.
Establishment of the DAO Senate.
2022 Q1-Q2img

Launched Socialogue token, Metaverse Senate DAO,
Socialogue Metaverse and the full version of the platform.
Integration of token and tip functions.
2022 Q3-Q4

Launch of the Socialogue app for iOS and Android.
Advancing community functionality — introducing group chats, private groups and member recognition via smart contracts.
For More Information:
Website: https://www.socialogue.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.socialogue.com/d143f264fb86a1cb3543b99e519442fe.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SocialogueNFT
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Sociallogue
Telegram: https://t.me/Socialogue
Instagram: https://instagram.com/socialoguenft/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Socialogue
Media: https://medium.com/@Socialogue
by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651


Values ​​is a fork of OlympusDAO with turn applied for NFT space in Polygon Network

No alternate text is provided for this image

DAO values are organizations to realize and implement very significant changes in the application of economic theory. This shift can be expressed in the following way: in the digital economy, the economic forces of demand versus supply are generalized to the forces of internal coordination versus price coordination . Supply and demand is only concerned with price coordination, while entrepreneurship/self-organization (which is outside of neo-classical price theory) is concerned with internal coordination. The internal coordination theory framework is able to explain economic productivity and intrinsic value in the digital economy , as distinguished from more specific materialeconomy. Internal coordination is still under-appreciated as a form of economic productivity, especially regarding the digital economy. Internal coordination is separate from the forces of supply and demand, and it is this that balances or regulates supply and demand. Thus, this is what motivates self-correction and natural self-regulation by market participants themselves from within the market. The market needs a human being, an entrepreneur, to recognize and solve existing coordination problems, beyond the price mechanism. This happens through the negotiation of social norms. Markets are only self-regulating and self-correcting insofar as common sense norms are negotiated and shared by day-to-day participants, through internal coordination. The dynamics of internal coordination versus price coordination was first articulated in transaction cost economics, by Ronald Coase in his essay The Nature of the Firm (1937), and later by Douglass North in Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economic Performance (1992). Transaction costs are essentially the extra-monetary communication costs of operating in the marketplace. They include the costs of planning, deciding, and deliberation. Fundamentally, transaction costs reflect normative rules that govern themselves and regulate market activity internally.

How does it work?
At a high level, Value consists of a protocol-managed treasury, protocol-held liquidity (POL), bond mechanisms, and wagering rewards designed to control supply expansion.

The sale of bonds generates profits for the protocol, and the treasury uses those profits to print $VALUES and distribute them to stakeholders. With liquidity bonds, the protocol can accumulate its own liquidity. See the entry below on the importance of POL.

How can I profit from Value?
The main benefit for stakeholders comes from supply development. Beavers reap new $VALUES tokens from the repository, most of which are passed on to stakeholders who desperately need the $VALUES tokens they advertise. Furthermore, the gain for stakeholders will come from their automatic strengthening equilibrium, but value openness remains a significant consideration. That is, assuming the increase in the symbolic equilibrium outperforms the expected decrease in costs due to the expansion, the stakeholder will create a profit.

The principle benefit for bonders comes from the consistency of values. Bonders deliver capital openly and are guaranteed a reasonable return at the appointed time; the return is in $VALUES and in this way the bonder’s profit will depend on the cost of $VALUES as the bond grows. Bonders benefit from rising or static $VALUES fees.

Why is PCV important?
Since the protocol controls the funds in its treasury, $VALUES can only be printed or burned by the protocol. This also guarantees that the protocol can always support 1 $VALUES with 1 DAI. You can easily determine the risk of your investment because you can rest assured that the protocol will forever buy $VALES under 1 DAI with treasury assets until there is nothing left to sell. You can’t trust the FED but you can trust the code.

As the protocol accumulates more PCV, more runways are guaranteed for stakeholders. This means stakeholders can rest assured that current APY staking can be maintained for a longer period of time as more funds are available in the treasury.

What is Staking?
Staking is the main value accrual strategy of Values. Stakers stake their $VALUES on the Values ​​website for rebase rewards. Rebase rewards come from the proceeds of bond sales, and may vary based on the amount of $VALUES wagered in the protocol and the rate of return set by monetary policy.

Staking is a passive long term strategy. An increase in your stake of $VALUES translates into a cost base that continues to fall and converges to zero. This means that even if the market price of $VALUES falls below your initial purchase price, with a sufficiently long betting period, the increase in your $VALUES bet balance will eventually outweigh the decline in price.

When you stake, you lock in $VALUES and receive the same amount of sVALUES. Your sVALUES balance is automatically rebase at the end of each epoch. sVALUES is transferable and therefore can be composed with other DeFi protocols.

When you cancel a bet, you burn sVALUES and receive the same amount of VALUES. Unstaking means the user will forfeit the upcoming rebase reward. Note that canceled prizes only apply to the amount not wagered; remaining VALUES staked (if any) will continue to receive rebase rewards.

What is a bond?
Bonding(1,1) is a secondary value accrual strategy of Value. This allows Values ​​to obtain its own liquidity and other reserve assets such as LUSD by selling $VALUES at a discount in exchange for these assets. The protocol quotes the bonder with terms such as the price of the bond, the number of $VALUES tokens entitled to the bonder, and vesting requirements. Binders can claim multiple rewards ($VALUES tokens) when they vest, and at the end of the vesting term, the full amount will be claimable.

Bonding is an active short term strategy. The secondary bond market price discovery mechanism makes bond discounts more or less predictable. Therefore bonding is considered a more active investment strategy that must be monitored continuously to be more profitable than staking.

Bonds allow Value to accumulate its own liquidity. We call our own liquidity POL. More POL ensures there is always locked out liquidity in our trading pool to facilitate market operations and protect token holders. Due to Values ​​being its own market, in addition to the added certainty for $VALUES investors, the protocol derives more revenue from the LP rewards that strengthen our treasury.

Further information:
Website: https://values.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ValuesDAO

Dispute: https://discord.gg/xdNKGffeY2

Telegram: https://t.me/valuesDAO

by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651



multiplayer game where you can raise or buy virtual dogs, race against other players’ dogs for profit

The DeFi platform is successful in providing financial services that users cannot find on financial platforms such as banking. The DeFi platform provides features that allow users to maximize their return on investment with various features such as stocks, yield fields and credit/loans. Not only that, most of the DeFi platforms now bundled with NFT, which are tokens in the form of digital goods that cannot be exchanged for anything, have ownership with a unique identity that makes them irreplaceable unless the ownership is transferred to the buyer.

CoinDogs can be a blockchain based game for people who love dogs, breeds and NFT! these are often multiplayer games where you will raise or buy virtual dogs, participate in races against alternative player dogs for fun and profit, and build your own NFT collection. All CoinDogs pass their signature deoxyribonucleic acid to kids via crossover — no 2 dog area units are the same!

Seeing the development of the DeFi and NFT sectors, CoinDogs presents the Nft platform that allows users to access various Nft features easily and quickly.

CoinDogs also known as Genesis 0 dogs is an online multiplayer blockchain gaming platform that allows users to play and earn money at the same time. It is a suitable game for those who want to play and earn, especially for crypto users. Usually, people play games for entertainment and fun. But on the CoinDogs gaming platform, people earn money at the same time. Especially with the advent of currency, it is now easier for people to play and make money. By going through the GameF platform, players can play and earn money at the same time.

The CoinDogs gaming platform also offers a new gaming experience where players buy virtual dogs, participate in races against other players for fun and profit, which are fully managed by the community itself.

Our CoinDogs love to shine and zippers make them happier than new glasses, for example. Beautify your CoinDogs because of the many accessories you get for them, many of your dogs love to win races.

Share your racing success on your social media. CoinDogs love to blow their own horns their wealth which cannot be inherited for their home owners therefore the more you show others their success, the happier and faster they will become.

Our game is influenced by certain cycles of the Moon. This brings a stimulating alternative nature to the gameplay and breeding diversity.

Their ecosystem provides an immersive experience in a decentralized gaming system with NFT assets that pleases everyone. CoinDogs platform pass their unique crossbreed DNA to their children, leaving no room for the same dog on the platform, each race race has a maximum of 7 games per race, let players play for fun and to earn coins which can later be achieved with assets digital

storage with CoinDogs On His Way To The Moon

Now, most of the crypto users have used Nfts to maximize their profits or just exchange their assets for other cryptocurrencies. CoinDogs nft marketplace provides various features that are very helpful for dog lovers, for example the nft marketplace allows users to earn passive income every day by taking part in dog racing challenges. Not only that, Coin Dog Nfts also provides various game characters such as:

The Fearless Money Badger: A greedy fat bastard, players earn 1% of every deal by owning a fearless money badger.

The Elusive Satoshi Unicorn: is a beautiful mythical creature with high speed and can be used to help your dog race faster

Werewolves and Dogs of Hell:

Hence, it is no wonder that nfts are currently trending in the cryptocurrency market. Seeing this trend, Coin Dog does not want to be left behind and will provide various innovative and modern features. Coin Dog can be said to be an all-in-one nft platform because Coin dog provides AMM and NFT Marketplace solutions under one roof, which is very convenient for users.

Coin Dog makes it easy for users to access various features of nft through a user-friendly interface. Be it a professional user or a novice, they can navigate the pages quickly, as Coin Dog focuses on user-oriented services. Coupled with community support, Coin Dog is sure to make it to the moon.

coindogs _news #coindogs _tokensale #coindogs _gen0 #coindogs _nft #coindogs _nftsale #coindogs _genesis

Website: https://coindogs.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoinDogs

Telegram: https://t.me/Coindogs_game

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoinDogs

Discord: https://discord.gg/KUyUh3PuGx

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/20171544

Instagram: https://instagram.com/coindogs

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Q-QHQ2Bp8iSP6UBKhwqIw?sub_confirmation=1


by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651



The NFT market continues to see explosive growth, with everything from digital kittens to collectable punk characters generating a passionate user base. As the boundaries of blockchain technology continue to expand and the intersection between the digital and physical worlds grows, it has opened doors for more industries to provide a digital ecosystem for their fan base. There is so much popularity and fan base for the game industry. People love the game industry, weapons and hunting. ownership and trade in firearms and digital accessories. So we need something to fill these gaps and give us a better and more efficient gaming experience.

DIGITAL ARMS is a digital ecosystem made possible by the recent emergence of the blockchain and related technologies designed for weapons, games and hunting enthusiasts. Digital Arms will develop an ecosystem for the enthusiast community. The project aims to create and release Non-Fungible (NFT) tokens for firearms with certain capabilities. For example being able to add multiple accessories such as optical sights, high capacity magazines, grips, mufflers, and get a makeover in different colours and/or designs, etc. Digital Arms is a company with deep roots in the global hunting industry. and firearms industry. Digital Arms NFTS will be rare, collectable and compatible with video games, with industry leaders to provide additional usability to our NFTS through partnerships such as drops on select NFTs or in-game use. Digital Arms was born from a vision of innovation in the way the arms and hunting industry is considered. create are unique to our platform and have never been tried before.

Digital Arms has got amazing features and ideas for upcoming features and functionalities. Some of the products listed below have already been implemented and some will likely be implemented in the second phase of this project.

Gaming Industry

Digital Arms will seek to disrupt the gaming industry. Digital Arms will produce firearm NFTs in various designs, which will be created to be interoperable with any game. Game developers may embed a particular purpose for the NFTS at their discretion. Game developers would be allowed to sell our NFTs on their platform, providing them with a revenue share of the proceeds.

An SDK (software development kit ) will be created for easy interoperability as well as incentive mechanisms for game developers to embed our NFTs within their game.

As well as buying and selling Digital Arms NFTS, the Digital Armory will enable exclusive features for the NFTs that no other marketplace can offer. This may

NFT Burning & Staking

eCommerce Platform includes the burning of NFTS for rewards determined by the rarity class and the ability to stake NFTS. The eCommerce auction site will be used to allow users to list and sell used firearms and hunting equipment, utilizing reduced fees, more transparent transactions, and seller and buyer token incentives. This will be subject to approval within our target jurisdictions.

Merchants – A significant branch of the Digital Arms’ ecosystem will involve the onboarding of relevant firearms and hunting related merchants which will accept the $HNTR token.

Safari Hunting

$ HNTR token will be used to facilitate an ecosystem to support a world safari booking site, connecting cross-border hunters and outfitters in North America, Africa, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.

This will allow for instant bookings and payments, more transparent transactions and most importantly a unified ecosystem removing the slow and costly cross border fiat payments.

Branded Apparel and Accessories

Digital Arms will release branded apparel and accessories for purchase from the platform. A release of apparel and accessories in partnership with the NFT partner brands.

Interoperability with Digital Displays

An investigation of NFT interoperability with digital displays has been done. The project sees a future where Digital Arms NFTs can be hung on the walls of homes, allowing for the digital display of firearms.

Firearm-related Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTS)

A digital marketplace (“Digital Armory”) that will facilitate the trading of NFTS and other digital assets. The Hunter Token ($HNTR) will provide our users with an alternative deflationary currency. A marketplace and auction site for firearm and hunting related physical products


Hunter Token ($HNTR) is a cryptocurrency token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). It is the token that will be used throughout the Digital Arms platform, to purchase and sell NFTs, as well as to access other platform features.HNTR token is expected to be listed on a decentralized exchange by Q4, 2021

Max supply – 1 billion.

The $HNTR token circulating supply is highly unlikely to ever reach a market capitalization of 1 billion, due to the burn features implemented and further discussed. Tokens are divisible up to 8 decimal places.

Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) is used because:1. It is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible, meaning it is interoperable with existing Ethereum wallets.

  1. Being a side chain, it has lower transaction fees than the Ethereum Main Chain.
  2. In comparison to other EVM sidechains, Binance Smart Chain has the most adoption.

Digital Arms will set up on-chain and off-chain liquidity pools which will allow users to provide liquidity for the $HNTR token, whilst earning rewards. Liquidity pools will help facilitate the ecosystem and allow community members and merchants to exit their $HNTR position if they so choose.



Hunter Token ($HNTR) is a cryptocurrency token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). These are tokens that will be used across the Digital Arms platform, to buy and sell NFTs, as well as to access other platform features. HNTR tokens are expected to be listed on decentralized exchanges in Q4, 2021

Maximum supply – 1 billion.

The circulating supply of $HNTR tokens is highly unlikely to reach a market cap of 1 billion, due to the burn feature implemented and discussed further. The token is divisible by up to 8 decimal places.

Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) points:

  1. It is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), meaning it can be operated with existing Ethereum wallets.
  2. Being a side chain, it has lower transaction fees than Ethereum Main Chain.
  3. Compared to other EVM sidechains, Binance Smart Chain has the most adoption.

Digital Arms will set up on-chain and off-chain liquidity pools that will allow users to provide liquidity for the $HNTR token, while earning rewards. The liquidity pool will help facilitate the ecosystem and allow community members and traders to exit their $HNTR positions if they wish.

Bake / Gift

Digital Arms Ecosystem has developed a burn and reward mechanism for $ HNTR tokens:

Token Burn

0.5% of every transaction on the Digital Arms NFT platform will result in $HNTR token burn, meaning the maximum token circulation volume will decrease over time.

Active User Rewards

0.25% of each transaction on the Digital Arms NFT platform will be deposited in the pool. The purpose of the group will be used to reward users in some way or another.

Token Token Utility

$HNTR will be used to facilitate the Digital Arms ecosystem. Interaction within the Digital Arms ecosystem will require the use of tokens. The plan is to implement $HNTR in the following use cases:

NFTS Firearms

The Digital Weapons Community can use their SNHTR to purchase NFTS firearms.

Axesoris NFT

Owners of NFT Digital Arms will be able to purchase accessories for their firearms, as described throughout this document.

Digital Armory

Facilitate the resale of their NFTs to other users through the Digital Arms online marketplace.

Ecommerce auction site

An ecosystem for users to list and sell hunting-related items at a lower cost,


More transparent transactions, and token incentives. Hunting/firearms shop merchants can receive $ HNTR as payment for their Digital Arms Advertising ecosystem, or elsewhere, use $ HNTR tokens.

Game Developers

Game developers can pay using $ HNTR to request NFT firearms be made that will be operable with their games. $ HNTR can also be integrated into the game to allow gamers to transact.

Hunting Safari

Ecosystem to facilitate the safari hunting industry, enabling faster bookings, faster payments, transparent transactions and token incentives


Pre-Seed – 150.000.000

Seed – 80,000,000

Whitelist Sales – 60,000,000

Pre -sales – 30,000,000

General Sales – 30,000,000

Strategic Partnership – 1,000,000

Tim – 200.000.000

Advisor – 50,000,000

Treasury – 300 million


The value of the $HNTR token is reflected in the growth and utility of the community and ecosystem. An ecosystem not only for those who own physical firearms but also for those who admire and respect firearms. First person shooter players and collectors. Hunter Token (© HNTR) will be the primary medium of exchange across the digital ecosystem.

Featured Digital Weapons will initially be digital recreations of NFTS related to real firearms, including, but not limited to, replica firearms and firearm accessories. High quality. Each NFT has a unique ID that allows various software, such as video games and metaverse, to read data and recreate weapons in their digital environment. The platform is designed and engineered as an aspect of a multi-modular system that serves a wide range of services within the Digital Arms ecosystem.

The Hunting Ecosystem will provide a unique reservation directory for International Guided Safari Hunts where each trader can be easily found by users. Users will be able to use their $HNTR tokens with merchants and merchants will benefit from higher exposure and possibly a wider reach of customers. Like all NFTS, Token Hunter’s value is largely determined by their popularity in the eyes of fans.


2021 – Q3

Formation of CEO and formation of Corporate Team

White paper

License Agreements with leading industry brands

2021 – Q4

Hunter Token website created

The development of the Digital Weapons Platform is complete

Wallet development complete

Digital Arms website development complete

Sign up for Pancake swap

2022 – Q1

First licensed brand NFT printing

Digital Arms . website release

Bet available for Hunter Token

Development of the Demon Hunt Ordering platform

2022 – Q2

Announcement of the second NFT prize token

NFT Staking / Bumping introduced

NFT integration to games and metaverse

Secondary NFT markets are available

2022 – Q3

Digital Weapons Applications.

Augmented reality integrated with NFT

User interaction

Fully operational first and secondary market

Team Team

The core is an excellent combination of technology, business and strategy. Coming from a variety of backgrounds including SME management, business development, marketing and the firearms and gaming industry, our combined experience provides a solid foundation for Digital Weapons projects.

Chris Watkins

Founding father

Chris Watkins is a direct Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with expertise in business development and operations, through foresight, drive and strategic determination, Chris built a solid foundation for his successful multimillion dollar company, TSA Outdoors, which has leveraged managing SMEs from the c-suite level. l As a leader and independent innovator, in 2021 Chris will be a driver in developing the Digital Arms and Hunter ($HNTR) tokens.

Nathan Dudney

VP BizDev

Nathan has a wealth of knowledge and experience in contracting relationships and sales space. He has spent more than ten years working with firearm manufacturers in a variety of roles including product management, sales and marketing, program management, manufacturing and business management.

Mike Sexton


Mike is an experienced solution architect and software developer with experience across a wide range of technologies and industries. He has a passion for blockchain and a keen vision for the future of this disruptive technology. With over 25 years of experience working for large companies and consulting firms, Mike has gone through all stages of creating and implementing complex systems.

Matt Garrod


Matthew is the Chief Financial Officer of Digital Arms and has 18 years of experience working in the UK and Australia in a variety of commercial and financial roles. Matthew’s role will have an emphasis on identifying, understanding and managing project financial risks, as well as maintaining investor relations.

Ben Clarke


Ben is the Chief Marketing Officer of Digital Arms, with over 12 years of experience working with top brands. Ben’s ability to effectively develop and enhance business relationships will be used for the Digital Arms project.

Sarah Edwards

Head of Design

Sarah Edwards heads Design and Branding for Digital Weapons. He has worked in digital design for over 20 years and his expertise ranges from visual, digital and user interfaces to print and packaging solutions.


NFT is this economic asset class Non-exchangeable tokens are a digital asset class that exists online, has unique properties, and is managed in a digital ledger, i.e. Blockchain. This digital asset becomes valuable because of attributes such as its rarity: Each NFT is serialized and invested with a certificate of authenticity. They cannot be replicated. Furthermore, when purchased, the ownership is permanently recorded against the NFT, and when traded, the change in ownership is recorded in the same way. Because of these attributes, NFTS has become a very popular new digital asset class.

Backed by a Blockchain platform, NFTS saw their birth among crypto enthusiasts but quickly entered the mainstream via sports collections such as NBA Top Shot, with internationals also poised to move into this space. The demand for NFT continues to increase and the NFT market shows no signs of slowing down. NTFS enables new and more decentralized actors to use the program’s capabilities to create new value exchanges that change the structure of the industry. This new digital asset class is also a new digital product that executive leaders should integrate into their future digital business strategy because it is something that people and communities enjoy!

For more information

Website: https://www.hunter-token.com/

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/digitalarmsnft

Whitepaper : https://docsend.com/view/gcfdaiymvyqcakkh

Telegram : https://t.me/ huntertokenofficial

Twitter : https://twitter.com/DigitalArmsNFT

by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651


Inside the Crypto Surfing Platform, SurfMoon

Hello friends, this time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to know about a new cryptocurrency called SurfMoon . Before going into the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts to encourage adoption so that it continues to grow and continue to develop in the future. So, let’s take a look at the brief review of the SurfMoon project below.

SURFMOON is a user-generated decentralized travel based content, BNB redistribution smart contract based platform built to revolutionize the travel industry, $SURFMOON, a travel based BNB redistribution token, is a decentralized platform designed to reduce the constant “feedback” type promotions that done by many landlords and landlords. The goal is to reward real people who use their earnings from around the world to go on vacation, truly something that will make everyone love every second of their work week.

Why Binance Smart Chain?
Binance is the leading cryptocurrency exchange globally, with Smart Chain being their native blockchain network. With Ethereum’s gas costs skyrocketing, BSC is becoming a viable alternative for easily launching tokens as it is EVM compatible, unlimited, and with extremely fast block and swap speeds. Apart from these advantages, it is very safe which ensures SAFU investments and funds.

The community-driven token and DeFi movement has been monumental in the past year. From seeing advertising campaigns for these tokens on billboards in major cities globally, to the use cases of these tokens evolving to propel the DeFi movement to new heights. Digital currencies are starting to look like a viable alternative to conventional financial models, and the rapid developments we have seen are unlikely to stop. Although these tokens are often called ‘shitcoins’, they do not reward those who have strong teams and developers aiming to solve problems and bring the community together.

Travel Platform The
ability to pay for travel using cryptocurrencies in partnership with leading flight, hotel and rental providers is SurfMoon’s long-term goal. This will not only mean making it easier for millions of people around the world to book their holidays, but it will also create great opportunities for SurfMoon. Of course at the moment the viability of the move is low, but with year-on-year increasing demand for travel, secure payments, and cryptocurrencies in general, it is not impossible that one day we can hope to achieve this goal.

Why Pay With Cryptocurrencies?

Apart from obvious reasons, such as decentralization, eliminating middlemen and faster transaction fees, there are also other advantages, such as eliminating problems with exchange rates, and travel ‘brokers’ trying to take advantage of raising prices. We’d also like to offer an exclusive discount to those holding SurfMoon, details of which will hopefully be announced in the near future. Of course realizing all of these ideas will require a large budget, which we seek to increase through the sale/purchase tax structure, donation pools and through NFT sales. This tax structure will help us bring our gifts to life, including travel packages to major destinations around the world.

Our tokennomics structure includes BNB reflection, which is the current trend in the community coin space. It differs from native token reflection in that it prevents the chart from dumping from selling, as well as promoting holding and inspiring investor safety. If the token market cap suffers, all those holding the original token suffer as well. Meanwhile, if the BNB reflection is distributed, it is unlikely to have an impact on the investor’s portfolio. Apart from that, BNB reflections also promote token purchases, as they can serve as a means of passive income.
Phase 1: Launch
Deploy Surfmoon Contracts Publish SurfMoon website Assemble a dedicated team that believes in a long-term vision Make a private saleMarketing for whitelisted presale apps Surfmoon whitelisted presale apps open
Phase 2:
Marketing Development for whitelisted presales Whitelisted presale live on PinkSaleMarketing for public sale ( Reddit, influencers, twitter, competition shill)Public sale live on PancakeSwapMeme competition + PrizesNFT sale
Phase 3: Growth • CMC + CG
Community package holiday giveaway Consolidation of use cases for SurfMoon + budget allocation Team expansion
Phase 4: Expansion
Platform that combines travel, mobile games and NFT browsers and P2E games Regular package vacation rewards for special members of the larger NFT Library Direct travel comparison site with the aim of securing package provider partnerships

That’s all I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:

Website: https://surfmoontoken.com/
Whitepaper: https://cfbb8117-2427-400c-927d-17e2604bcc18.filesusr.com/ugd/3dea83_23153cc94d494ebf90f0b98048761070.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/SurfMoonToken
Medium: https://medium.com/@surfmoontoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurfMoonToken
by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651


is an unlicensed and community regulated launch pad. 

DexGem Exchange (DEX) global trading and commercial market. It lets you buy and sell different currencies and exchange between dealers or buyers. This technology also supports market development, enterprise development, and registration. Choosing the right platform requires answering a few questions. Read on to learn more about the Dex Gem and Binance Smart Chain.

Dexgem community members include traders and miners. Nobody owns it, and there’s no middleman. As a starting project, you can benefit from the trading volume and new features provided by Dexgem.

Dexgem is an open source platform for the creation and trading of security tokens. A decade of experience building security tokens and blockchain, our platform is decentralized.

Liquidity is a major concern for many blockchain projects. Dexgem’s new solution to this problem is almost complete.

DexGem Exchange is the premier trading and commercial exchange for buying and selling your currency pairs. You can easily convert currencies without worrying about conversion fees. Since this is a trade and business-to-business exchange, rates are based on current market prices. So, this function saves you money.

Another thing is that the system is secure. The token is safe and secure as it is backed by major global banks. Security is not an issue if you don’t want to deal with cash. This will also help you avoid fees if you want a refund. This is the best way to protect your money while learning to trade and exchange.

DexGem is one of the most traded currencies in the world. Dex exchange allows you to buy and sell at the current market price, maximizing your profit. If you don’t know the current price, you can use an online calculator to estimate it. This will help you get the most out of your money and investment.

Even if you use the usual methods of buying and selling coins, you will have to work hard. Since you are still trading in cash, you should budget for all trading costs. The same is true when buying or selling coins from other countries. In addition, your local bank may charge fees you are not aware of. That’s why it’s important to consider several options before making a purchase.

Tokens are usually $5.00 USD. If you want to receive the highest value for your money, you must buy tokens with the same monetary value as gold. This will ensure you don’t overpay for your purchase and get full value for your money. Even though the fees are higher, you can rest assured that you are getting good value for your money.

The DexGem token on the DexGem exchange represents the precious metal it represents. So you can buy the rarest coins and still make a profit. This is great news for precious metals traders. To buy a coin, just check its value and buy it at the best price available.

If you want to buy DexGem tokens, you must first check their prices and availability. This will give you the best chance of making the best purchase while avoiding overspending. It only takes a few seconds to compare the prices of various tokens and choose the best deal. As a result, DexGem is a great entry point into the precious metals market.


 Dexgem is an unlicensed and community regulated launch pad. 

DexGem Exchange (DEX) global trading and commercial market. It lets you buy and sell different currencies and exchange between dealers or buyers. This technology also supports market development, enterprise development, and registration. Choosing the right platform requires answering a few questions. Read on to learn more about the Dex Gem and Binance Smart Chain.

Dexgem community members include traders and miners. Nobody owns it, and there’s no middleman. As a starting project, you can benefit from the trading volume and new features provided by Dexgem.

Dexgem is an open source platform for the creation and trading of security tokens. A decade of experience building security tokens and blockchain, our platform is decentralized.

Liquidity is a major concern for many blockchain projects. Dexgem’s new solution to this problem is almost complete.

DexGem Exchange is the premier trading and commercial exchange for buying and selling your currency pairs. You can easily convert currencies without worrying about conversion fees. Since this is a trade and business-to-business exchange, rates are based on current market prices. So, this function saves you money.

Another thing is that the system is secure. The token is safe and secure as it is backed by major global banks. Security is not an issue if you don’t want to deal with cash. This will also help you avoid fees if you want a refund. This is the best way to protect your money while learning to trade and exchange.

DexGem is one of the most traded currencies in the world. Dex exchange allows you to buy and sell at the current market price, maximizing your profit. If you don’t know the current price, you can use an online calculator to estimate it. This will help you get the most out of your money and investment.

Even if you use the usual methods of buying and selling coins, you will have to work hard. Since you are still trading in cash, you should budget for all trading costs. The same is true when buying or selling coins from other countries. In addition, your local bank may charge fees you are not aware of. That’s why it’s important to consider several options before making a purchase.

Tokens are usually $5.00 USD. If you want to receive the highest value for your money, you must buy tokens with the same monetary value as gold. This will ensure you don’t overpay for your purchase and get full value for your money. Even though the fees are higher, you can rest assured that you are getting good value for your money.

The DexGem token on the DexGem exchange represents the precious metal it represents. So you can buy the rarest coins and still make a profit. This is great news for precious metals traders. To buy a coin, just check its value and buy it at the best price available.

If you want to buy DexGem tokens, you must first check their prices and availability. This will give you the best chance of making the best purchase while avoiding overspending. It only takes a few seconds to compare the prices of various tokens and choose the best deal. As a result, DexGem is a great entry point into the precious metals market.


Blockchain Based Virtual World

Freelancing is a mythological virtual life conceptualized by a team of artists and engineered by blockchain enthusiasts. Its vision is to build an ecosystem that allows users to create, experience, and monetize their content and apps. Every creativity on Lepasa is an NFT token (ERC-721) and is always owned by its holder on the Ethereum blockchain, giving them complete control over wherever and for whatever they want to use it.
Unlike other virtual properties, Lepasa is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single authority with the power to change the rules of the software, content, token economy, or prevent others from accessing it.

NFT — The Latest Blockchain Madness!

Gamers have been trading virtual currencies and assets for years, from Fortnight cosmetic character skins to World of Warcraft gold. But in traditional games, you don’t really own anything in cyberspace because the economy exists exclusively in closed markets.
NFT creates opportunities for all types of creators (visual arts, game designers, musicians, etc.) and opens up new revenue streams. Part of what makes them so attractive is the variety of assets they can represent: virtual collectibles, game items, digital artwork, event tickets, real estate, identity documents, certifications, and more. The NFT market is exploding right now, as early adopters and Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are trying to cash in on the trend.
Lepasa Foundation:
Switzerland was one of the first countries to introduce a legal framework for cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. By introducing less complex digital concepts in the form of NFT & DeFi solutions, the ecosystem built in the crypto valley will facilitate the mass adoption of blockchain & cryptocurrencies.
Lepasa Foundation will ensure decentralization of project authority & governance & ultimately lay the foundation stone for a larger audience to adapt cryptocurrency & take advantage of its enormous possibilities.
We are willing to establish the Lepasa Foundation under Swiss law.
We are building an ecosystem that will unite all those who believe in innovation to join the Crypto & NFT revolution. The world is moving to witness an unprecedented speed. With Freelancing, you can experience all possible opportunities and fun.
Virtual Tourism is something that has a strong future. When artists around the world can inhabit their imaginations on the Lapasa platform, it brings the possibility even for school students and researchers to visit Lepasa for study, training and adventure.

Electronic commerce:
Online shopping on website and mobile is well established to the core of every corner around the world, It is likely that the large number of freelancers can inspire global sellers to sell real goods to users through their virtual store on the platform. Other virtual world games have witnessed this.

Ikhtisar NFT
Non-Fungible Tokens are a new and exciting product in the luxury market. As the crypto community is blessed in terms of scrutiny, But the current offerings are not mature enough to monetize the market.

NFT is still in its early stages in many aspects. And there are many strong use cases for potential businesses in the current situation viz.

A. You
B. Virtual Land
C. Games
D. Animation Collection
These four categories are rated the most promising as NFT and in the future Lepasa will serve them all.

Legendary Lepasa is created exclusively for the Lepasa community and can only be obtained with a $ LEPA token.

High Liquidity: The $LEPA token provides sufficient liquidity to project to exchange between NFT and tokens
Hyper Deflation: Each swap burns $LEPA tokens, which ensures continuous scarcity.
Staking: Hold $LEPA tokens and stake for rewards.
Crosschain: Access $LEPA on multiple public blockchains.
It is important for you to know the token economy and how we will use the funds.

Total Supply: 100 M
Initial Circulation Supply: Less than 10%
List Price: $0.15
Public Sale: $0.10
Token Distribution
Everything you want to know about Free Token Distribution.

1% Public sale — Price: $0.10
List Price — $0.15
Strategic & Private Distribution — 10% will be awarded in the list, Then given daily for a period of 365 days.
Basic Recommendation – After 1 year, daily vesting for 365 days.
Marketing & Business Development — 10% awarded on listings, Then awarded daily for 365 days.
Liquidity — 10% of the total supply is allocated for liquidity.
Team — After 1 year, daily vesting for 365 days.
Advisor – After 1 year, daily vesting for 365 days.
Use of Funds
This is how the funds will be used.

40% of the funds will be used to support development.
Marketing actions such as market entry strategies will reach 20% of the total funds raised.
Law and Accounting will represent 10% of the total funds raised.
30% of the funds will be used to provide liquidity to the exchange.
Contact information
Website: https://www.lepasa.com/
WhitePaper: https://www.lepasa.com/assets/docs/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lepasaorg
Telegram: https://t.me/lepasa_discuss
Medium: https://lepasa.medium.com/
by; Lamonganz
link: :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198651

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