
JOB QUESTION: Decentralized Blockchain Jobs/Market in the World

 A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) seeks to address control challenges in various fields. Smart agreements and blockchain run as control advancements with the ability to endure a more important level of candor. The DAO was created to limit current issues of foundations and organizational ethical hazards. In the absence of an outsider, the network badge being thrown around tries to provide a temptation to always uphold the association’s government aid.

About WorkQuest
WorkQuest is a web-based Marketplace and decentralized Payments Provider that connects businesses with representatives anywhere on the planet driven by Smart Contracts managed by DAO. WorkQuest will have a Mobile App that can be accessed anywhere and uses its own Blockchain and Work Net Wallet.

The stage encourages businesses and workers to bid sincerely and wisely using its Rating System with all inputs stored on the blockchain. As the stage progresses as a facilitator of exchange between managers and representatives, various DeFi items can be accessed by stage members, for example, Liquidity Mining, Lending, Savings, Betting, Retirement Programs and P2P Insurance.

 WorkQuest  is a job market based on a decentralized community economy. We are a global community of developers, designers, marketers and business experts, working to create the best products on a truly global scale. Everyone who wants to work will find a suitable job here. WorkQuest is a blockchain-based peer-to-peer job marketplace that allows people from all over the world to find work and earn money, using their knowledge and experience. The WorkQuest dApp will be built on the Decentraland virtual platform. It will be a truly immersive experience, allowing employers and employees to interact in a futuristic and creative environment. The DApp will allow employers to post job advertisements and hire employees,  as well as interact with employers, employees, and other WorkQuest service providers. It will also offer users the opportunity to create their own unique avatar, which will be their own 3D model, which will be able to interact with other users and earn MANA, the internal currency of the Decentraland ecosystem.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) is an Ethereum dApp drawing authority providing basic guidelines for moving assets, managing heads, selecting agents, and delivering tasks other than carrying out different exercises locally may seek to embrace a biological system that will meet their needs. The Work Quest DAO is then responsible for the maintenance and management of the Work Quest stage.

About WorkQuest
WorkQuest is a web-based Marketplace and decentralized Payments Provider that connects businesses with representatives anywhere on the planet driven by Smart Contracts managed by DAO. WorkQuest will have a Mobile App that can be accessed anywhere and uses its own Blockchain and Work Net Wallet.

The stage encourages businesses and workers to bid sincerely and wisely using its Rating System with all inputs stored on the blockchain. As the stage progresses as a facilitator of exchange between managers and representatives, various DeFi items can be accessed by stage members, for example, Liquidity Mining, Lending, Savings, Betting, Retirement Programs and P2P Insurance.

In the Work Quest stage, all positions and openings are called quests. To make it, you really have to make some basic progress.

The first step. Register on stage by selecting an employer account. Assuming you want to change your record type from now on, you can do so in two steps.
Next down payment. Fill in the data about the quest: completion status, quest gloom, cost, geolocation. You can also link images, recordings, or archives with company/specialist task areas to the screen.
Third step. Look at all of this twice and pass on the task. Since then, the framework consistently ensures brilliant deals and secures exchanges with the assigned entertainers you have chosen.

Presenting DAO WorkQuest

  • Managed Territory
    All administrative capacity will be moved to local region in next 3 years
  • Live
    All Governance highlights and strategies will be distributed unambiguously to ensure that everyone is close to all data
  • Worldwide
    To be interested in Governance stage of every client can buy WQT tokens from market
  • Secure and Reliable WorkNet
    will be used to create and handle DAO

If you have the desire to observe representatives for your Mission, you can use several channels:
️ geolocation
️ profile views
️ ratings
️ overview of completed works
Incidentally, remember that our foundation has an excellent ranking framework. It is based on a blockchain setup, and that means every audit cannot be changed by anyone. Furthermore, everyone was able to see them all of a sudden.

What token does the stage use?
Basically, WorkQuest has a two token framework. It consists of WQT and WUSD. WQT is used for DAO Work Quest boards and filled as Collateral for WUSD. It is also used for referral programs and is accessible for liquidity mining. WUSD is an algorithmic stablecoin, which is awarded when brilliant deals between businesses and workers are made.

The Work Quest Blockchain has Work USD (WUSD) as its cryptographic currency in the Work Net organization. This money is also used to calculate compensation between businesses and workers while closing smart contracts. As such, it will work in installments for various on-stage exchanges.

Retirement Savings Program
We offer our clients a Retirement Savings Program. You can engage WUSD for that. In addition, we save on your salary, but add annual interest so that your capital can grow. The Work Quest stage not only offers specialists to track other jobs or day-to-day work, but also proposes creating a consistent retirement plan.

Since we are a decentralized stage with a public blockchain, it is much more secure than conventional money management strategies for retirement. Basically, the worker gets a new job, completes it and then takes a decision:

  • sets some amount of cash and puts it in the wallet of the investment fund
  • sets the rate to be contributed each time with the help of Smart Contracts
    In both cases, the client gets a fair exchange, and then they earn profit as annual development interest. We recognize that retirement investment funds are huge for everyone now, and we need to make sure our framework is properly protected and accommodates its clients.

Manfaat Platform WorkQuest

WorkQuest is a decentralized work platform, connecting companies and workers from all over the world. The platform allows users to find jobs from multiple locations, complete them, and earn tokens. WorkQuest is unique in its kind, as it uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized job market, which is not controlled by any single system or company. Using the WorkQuest platform, you can take part in a new job market, which is much more effective than the existing one. These companies have a lot in common, including their traditional and centralized approach to managing information about job offers and job seekers. These companies charge employers for their services and make it difficult for small businesses to compete in the job market. This creates a fundamental problem that all online job sites face.

WorkQuest is a decentralized job marketplace where you can apply for jobs, hire employees and freelancers, and post assignments or projects. The WorkQuest platform will provide a unique opportunity for labor market participants and those looking for work or work. The platform is a place where people can find work, where employers can post vacancies and projects, where a freelancer can find gigs and where one can hire and manage employees. The platform will also help facilitate interaction between project owners and freelancers. The interactions will be transparent, and the parties will be able to access information about each other. WorkQuest is a decentralized job market, where users can search for new jobs and employers can publish their offers.

WorkQuest Jalan Roadmap

The WorkQuest roadmap is a key aspect of our project. To achieve the ultimate goal of decentralization, we first need to build a secure and fully functional platform. The next step is to make our website public, so that employers and employees from all over the world can take advantage of the WorkQuest platform. The final phase of the project is to create an open source codebase for WorkQuest, so that anyone can create their own decentralized job market.

Workquest is a decentralized job market based on blockchain technology. It is a platform that will revolutionize the way people find job opportunities and gain work experience. Imagine that all competitors work together to create the best experience for their users, which is unlike any other job market in the world. Workquest has a vision to create a decentralized job market based on innovative blockchain technology. We will try to give our users the opportunity to earn while learning and gain work experience by combining the best of blockchain technology and the best of the job market.


Situs web:
Twitter: workquest_co
Linkedin: company/workquestofficial

by; djogjya link: :;u=2647348


AUFIN PROTOCOL: APY remains world’s first all-time high 480.419.00%


Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain protocol powered by a new class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing. Aufin defines a data structure called Cognitive Object, to store valuable data. Cognitive Objects are linked together in immutable blockchain-based graphs, and can be queried, updated, and shared by third parties. This enables a new form of open data that is decentralized, transparent and accountable. Aufin provides on-demand and trusted data by facilitating a marketplace where data providers can monetize their data and data consumers can buy the data they need from trusted sources. Aufin has a very attractive token sale structure. There is a total supply of 100 million tokens, with 60% of them being sold to the public in two stages, the first of which is a private sale. The remaining 40% will be sold through two public sales,  for a total of 10 million tokens sold each time. The public sale price will be lowered slightly each time to create a discount for early buyers.

The #Aufin Protocol makes decentralized finance (DeFi) friendlier and more accessible to casual investors. One way they do this is through the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol which provides an innovative, user-friendly approach to earning rewards that can be deposited into one’s own portfolio and earn interest independently of any centralized payment system.

The #Aufin Autostaking protocol is designed to be friendly and accessible to new investors. By using AI technologies such as machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, it will make #Aufin confident in its role as the most profitable blockchain-based investment platform in existence while regularly rewarding users. Along with its ongoing features, such as payments at any time, this is a platform like no other that will ensure that you get the returns you need while keeping your investment safe and anonymous.

The Aufin Protocol revolutionizes #DeFi with the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol that offers the highest fixed APY, refreeze rewards every 10 minutes, and an intuitive buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio securely in your wallet.

Aufin was founded on changing things for the better – literally. We are here to improve the lives of those around us by making them more financially secure and creating a means through which they will be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones if necessary.

Aufin seeks to develop a decentralized financial application that allows users to benefit from this service. Some of their service offerings have $AUN tokens as rewards for active participation or passive use.




Auto Burn

Continuous Rebasing

Insurance Fund

Auto Liquidity

Auto Bet

Hard Code Fee

Auto-Staking Hard Code

Carpet Resistant: No Print Code

Carpet Resistant: No Manual Adjustment

Rug-Proof: Fixed Rebase Time

Carpet Resistant: Liquidity Locked

Manual Token Buyback


LOW RISK WITH AUFIN INSURANCE : #Aufin Insurance is a 5% risk buffer used to help stabilize token prices. It also helps to ensure that all stakeholders will receive their rewards, even if the market experiences an unexpected downturn.

EASY AND SECURE STAKING : With #Aufin tokens, you will always have access to your tokens and can use them in your business as freely as you need at any point any time 24/7 when needed. All you have to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, which means no more complicated betting process is required due to the fact that there is no pre-defined period during which you can and cannot make transactions with money. in your account.

EARNING OF INTEREST WITH AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS : You don’t have to worry about staking your tokens because the automatic smart contracts will handle everything for you. Interest is paid automatically and also pooled in your own wallet. Nothing is easier!

HIGHEST FIXED APY : #Aufin rewards investors with the highest interest rates in all decentralized finance, paying 480,419.00% interest in the first 12 months. The reward rate drops around Epoch which is a special time that happens every 2,300 blocks or roughly every 21 hours on average.

FAST INTEREST PAYMENTS : The #Aufin protocol pays every investor in its program every day. It is the fastest compounding crypto program out there, and also SECURE as payments are made using our trading bots and algorithms.

AUTO TOKEN BURN : One of the great things about #Aufin is The Fireplace – which is our token burning feature which automatically burns 2.5% of all tokens purchased on our exchange every transaction. This ensures that there is never an excess amount of tokens on the market, and if there is, it will be very clear to anyone with open eyes that something fishy is not right!


Aufin uses a proprietary trading algorithm that affects Rebase Rewards. The algorithm is affected by the percentage of the cost of buying/selling trades generated in Aufin’s BTC, ETH and NEM wallets.

The rebasing reward, although capped at the 0.01613% rate is supported by The Rebase Insurance which helps maintain interest rates for the $AUN token in the long term. While this is good to know, it doesn’t necessarily relate to new token holders so we can make a few key points that sum it all up nicely.

When it comes down to it, #Aufin Insurance saves members from the risk of getting caught in a flash crash. What makes us so effective is our protocol’s ability to keep prices stable over time. Our commitment to sustainability and stability means that we will always have many options for enhancing growth. We can also save members from drying out because our protocols are designed with the best interests of individuals in mind and do not take advantage of them as other financial institutions might.


The Aufin Treasury is like a bank account but specifically designed to protect the value of the Aufin Network Token. With that said, we can rest assured that no one will devalue the Aufin token and our existing bitcoin holdings in the process.

It is very important to have a sense of humor when it comes to the market. While we don’t expect the value of $AUN to drop at all, setting aside some money for a rainy day can be a wise move for many reasons: – You may want to pay employees if you need additional resources but don’t have the time or inclination to deal with hiring so it’s like used to leave it off your plate (enhancement) – you may want to lock in some tokens as “skins in the game” as part of the ICO bonus structure (enhancement) Yup, we get that long term trading isn’t something everyone likes.

The community treasury is a pool of money from which the entire Aufin community can choose how to distribute it! The concept and idea of ​​treasury was first designed about three years ago. Since then, the community treasury has been put to good use and has helped sustain the growth of many #Aufin products, services and projects. The treasury will continue to be used to fund new items which will expand not only the value of #Aufin but also help in providing new great opportunities!

AUFIN fireplace

Aufin Fireplace is a way to burn or destroy a certain amount of coins (2.5% of all transactions). The more transactions that are made, the more coins are destroyed which means the circulating supply decreases and the transactions become more valuable over time.

The constant burning of supply means that the value of the token will automatically be worth more, due to its reduced quantity in circulation and increased demand.


Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject liquidity into the network. The first use case of our decentralized platform is to use $AUN as a method to unlock instant liquidity. On each exchange process, #Aufin collects a small fee and directs the money automatically to the LP wallet. A management mechanism is built into the protocol smart contract, which then takes 50% of the funds and buys BNB whenever needed automatically.

All remaining $AUN in the Auto-Liquidity Project (ALP) wallet will be used to purchase BNB, increasing the supply of BNB and thereby increasing its price. This method is known as market creation, and is a common way for new and existing cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity.

Aufin Auto -Liquidity will be done every two days to add liquidity to the pool. This way, holders of $AUN tokens will be able to easily sell their tokens at any given time and avoid major market slumps that could indicate a decline in value. #Aufin Auto -Liquidity will also help maintain protocol stability so that APY levels are maintained throughout their lifetime.


APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield which represents your Earnings as a percentage of the total investment amount. This number is used to measure how well your money is performing in the investment, measured against the total value of the investment in a certain period. For example if you invest $AUN tokens this means that compound interest will be added periodically to your $AUN tokens during the rebase event so you can earn more and more collateral.

The amount of new #Aufin tokens you receive is calculated as follows: (your current #Aufin token balance X selected multiplier) + your current #Aufin token balance. Your new rebase reward is calculated based on the final number of #Aufin tokens you have multiplied by the selected multiplier.


Because compound interest is a very powerful way to increase your return on savings or investments, it’s important to include it when making decisions about wealth building. To illustrate this thought process, imagine one person saving $4 daily for 30 days for a total of $120 and another person saving the same amount but their plans are combined for 6 months at the same interest rate:

Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this like clockwork by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to effectively sell their tokens at any time with almost zero market slippage. It will also support adherence to convention health to ensure APY is maintained for the entire existence of the Aufin Protocol.
Auto Liquidity Address: 0x85CD20D9Fb8f9d11Dc43C17cD399794eCE7b184E

$AUN is a flexible stock BEP-20 token that rewards holders who use a positive rebase equation.

  • Programmed LP
    4% of the exchange fee back to liquidity which guarantees an increase in the price of the security.
  • The Risk Free Value
    5% of the exchange fee goes to the Aufin protection which supports and supports the tagging rewards provided by the positive rebase.
  • Storage
    of 2.5% of purchases and 4.5% of transactions go directly to storage that upholds Aufin’s protection.

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by; Lamonganz link: :;u=3198651


Y360 YIF Insurance – Defi Protocol 2.0

The advent of DeFi 2.0 has taken blockchain solutions by storm through completely revolutionizing investment procedures. The big shift from DeFi 1.0 to DeFi 2.0 is a shift in focus to low risk and higher yield solutions.

Yield360 has also taken its share by introducing a product that can provide a constant stream of returns throughout the day.

The Y360 protocol offers a return on investment after every 13 minutes, i.e. 110.76 times a day, and 39.433 times a year; with a fixed total APY of 360,000%

Through the use of YIF’s Y360 insurance fund, Yield360 allows its users to earn those higher returns by simply keeping $Y360 in their wallet. The full protocol consists of the following features:

$Y360 is the native token on the protocol which also serves as the network’s native currency. All rebase interest is paid in $Y360 tokens along with many other utilities of this token.

Protocol Governance:

$Y360 also provides protocol governance facilities.

$Y360 YIF Insurance: provides a more secure token structure with the Yield 360 insurance fund. The Yield 360 Insurance Fund holds 1.5% of all trading fees, which helps maintain and support wagering rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Automatic safe betting strategy:

The $Y360 token is always stored in your wallet, so it is never given to a third party or centralized authority. All you have to do is buy and hold as you will automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, eliminating the need for a complicated betting process. Through the automation of the entire procedure, all the rewards from the staking pool are automatically transferred to your wallet.

high APY: pays 360,000% APY. The distribution of all prizes is followed by an automated process so that no user misses any payment.

Automatic compounding protocol:’s auto-merging protocol pays users every 10 minutes of the day, making a total of 144 payments in a day. This figure makes the fastest auto-merging protocol on the network.

To support rebase pricing and rewards, Y360 uses a complex set of factors.

This includes the $Y360 Insurance Fund (YIF), which acts as an insurance fund to ensure Yield 360 Protocol price stability and long-term viability by maintaining a consistent 0.0205 percent rebase rate paid out to all $Yield360 token holders every 13 minutes.

Using the Positive Rebase formula, Y360 allows token distributions to be paid out directly proportional to the epoch rebase reward, worth 0.0205 percent of the total amount of $Y360 tokens held in your wallet every 13 minute epoch period.

Rebase rewards are distributed to all holders of $Y360 on every EPOCH (13 minutes rebase period). 1

The daily rate of compounding is not linear, but exponential. For example, if you invest $1 for 1 year, you will have 194,467 $Y360.

All of these elements have been coordinated by the development team so that they work seamlessly behind the scenes.

As a result, $Y360 holders now have a simple and elegant betting and reward system.

Lastly, Yield360 is very different from other protocols with similar features or forks of Olympus DAO, Safuu, and titano.

To read about an in-depth analysis of how Yield360 differs from other protocols, read here:

$Y360 is the native token on the protocol which also serves as the network’s native currency. All rebase interest is paid in $Y360 tokens along with many other utilities of this token.

Protocol Governance:

$Y360 also provides protocol governance facilities.

$Y360 YIF Insurance: provides a more secure token structure with the Yield 360 insurance  fund. The Yield 360 Insurance Fund holds 1.5% of all trading fees, which helps maintain and support wagering rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Automatic safe betting strategy:

The $Y360 token is always stored in your wallet, so it is never given to a third party or centralized authority. All you have to do is buy and hold as you will automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, eliminating the need for a complicated betting process. Through the automation of the entire procedure, all the rewards from the staking pool are automatically transferred to your wallet.

high APY: pays 360,000% APY. The distribution of all prizes is followed by an automated process so that no user misses any payment.

Automatic compounding protocol:’s auto-merging protocol pays users every 10 minutes of the day, making a total of 144 payments in a day. This figure makes the fastest auto-merging protocol on the network.

Mission and Vision Results 360

Yield 360 ensures to have a team that shares the same values ​​as us to produce the best output for the user base.

The company aims to provide the best user experience.

A fast, reliable and easy-to-use platform that provides the best financial opportunities to manage funds intelligently while making it a user-friendly platform.

$Y360 aims to make this platform a decentralized auto-staking protocol.

It provides a seamless experience for naive users. Our team members have put their blood and sweat into this project to give it its current existence for convenience only.

The team will continue to make progress on our platform in accordance with feedback, demands, and requirements.

The Yield360 platform started with BNB only and with future progress, $Y360 aims to add other blockchain options to choose from to provide versatility within the platform.

In addition, the team is driving extensive experimentation on our platform to bring the best out of our Y360.

To find out more about this, visit our website to learn about the technicalities of this project in our whitepaper.

About Us

Yield360 is a DeFi development company designing the next generation DeFi 2.0 solution, in an effort to improve the staking module, with its Yield 360 auto-staking protocol. The company’s main product is the $Y360 token, with an excellent value proposition to benefit token holders.


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Sorex is an innovative and revolutionary platform that will completely change the way people think about investing and the stock market

At the end of 2021, the crypto market began to buzz with new interoperability-based blockchain projects.

This interoperability feature is also commonly coupled with multichain systems, where a project has more than one network or blockchain.

One of the projects that has caught the attention of crypto investors is SOREX.IO | Multichain Investment Platform,

Automatic Betting Protocol with Highest Fixed APY – 204,036.60%

How it works
Risk Free Value Fund (RFV), Buy & Sell Fees
A portion of the buying and selling fees helps maintain Sorex Treasury revenue. 5-10% of trading volume is diverted to Sorex Treasury, to help control the distribution of the Sorex Autostaking Protocol.

Staking Rewards, SRX Token
Compounds automatically with treasury backed currency with intrinsic value.

Auto Burn Program
This program starts with 10 million $SRX reserved exclusively for incineration purposes and will increase over time. In order not to become a pump and dump program, we will perform combustion operations linearly and automatically. Every week, 2-4% of the total supply will be burned. This percentage will grow over the weeks.


AI Investment Protocol, Binary Options & NFT Lending – We aim to be the leading Crypto Investment Platform in the Defi Sector

, SOREX award holder with 2.11% daily interest, auto compounding every 60 minutes, earning 204,036.60% APY.

Just hold the SRX Token and watch your 1,000 $ SRX become 2,041,335.69 $ SRX in a year.

Powered by our innovative Sorex Treasury algorithm using auto-buyback & burn to support prices.

What is SOREX?…

SOREX is an AI-managed automated brokerage app that combines mathematically extrapolated polynomials with a pre-trained time series prediction neural network to accurately predict the evolution of the top 300 cryptocurrencies and invest automatically for you.

SOREX Highlights

PLAN : Earn easy income from close Artificial Intelligence exchange with pre-prepared time series hope neural organization

Crypto Exchange : Buy and sell any of the 300+ Cryptos in minutes. Exchange anywhere with security and accommodation

24/7 Support : Got a problem? Just reach out. Our help group is accessible 24/7

Multiple Choice: Up or Down? Anticipate where the costs will continue to bend your bets. 300+ Crypto resources for decisions. Only 2 different ways — UP or DOWN! Explore any of the 300+ Crypto Assets and anticipate how the fees will act during the time of your choosing. Watch the progress of the exchange continuously.

LVL Referral Program: Prescribe us to your colleagues and get at each of the THREE Levels 1. LVL – 20% 2. LVL – 10% 3. LVL – 5%

NFT Loans: Borrow and Borrow your NFT as collateral. Get progress in USDT, BUSD and SRX. Get a USDT or SRX advance. Use your NFT as collateral for crypto credits with the most important advances to appreciate the proportions in the market. Get credit in USDT, BUSD or SRX and withdraw them quickly to your wallet.

SRX Autostaking Protocol

Stake before delivery, Stake in your wallet — put it all over the place. The SRX token is the core of Sorex Autostaking Protocol, the New Generation of Defi with Highest Fixed APY, collecting rewards periodically and the first — a pre-deliver get-hold-procure framework that expands your portfolio before it is delivered at a fixed rate of 2.11% daily or 204,036 ,60% per year holding SRX.

Investment Independence

SOREX uses the PLAN framework to cater for all types of financial support. The principle contrast between PLANs is the limit of speculation on each emphasis, which increases with each PLAN. There are two methods to get to the SOREX speculation stage: Holding SRX or through annual installments. How many tokens are expected for each PLAN is recalculated like clockwork to match each PLAN’s fiat cost. This means that assuming token fees go up, any client might get the following PLAN as expected tokens will decrease. Against the norm, clients cannot downgrade the PLAN due to changes in token fees as long as they don’t sell tokens.

How does the PLAN work?

In selecting one of the offered PLANs, you are putting resources into exchange based on Artificial Intelligence combined with Artificial Neural Networks. These tendons allow us to maintain a stable ROI over a long period of time.

SOREX will ship SRX Tokens on 21.04.2022 on 4 significant blockchains simultaneously — ETH, BSC, AVAX and FTM
Complete Supply — 1,500,000 SRX
Blockchain — ETH, BSC, AVAX, FTM
SRX Token Launch — 21.04.2022
SRX List Price — $1.00
Multiple Options — 28.02.2022
Program Ventura “RENCANA” — 28.02.2022
SRX Pre-post Staking-03.03.2022
NFT Loan – 10.03.2022
Round 1 begins!

Current Price: 1 SRX = 0.3 USD
Listed Price: 1 SRX = 1 USD

This is the last chance to get SRX for 0.3 USD!!!

Next Round Price:
2nd Round – 60,000 SRX
1 SRX – 0.4 USD
Buy SRX (1 SRX – 0.3 BUSD)

( )
SRX Bet with Fixed APY 204,036.60

( )
Join Sorex on Social Media:
Grup Bounty SOREX –
Telegram (SOREX Community) –
SOREX 3 LVL Reference Program –
Telegram (SOREX Announcement) –
Twitter –
by; Lamonganz
link: :;u=3198651



Apart from the successful ICO, Woxh is another blockchain gaming company that has made a big splash in the space. This project has created a lot of buzz thanks to its unique concept, which combines game to earn, traditional game and blockchain technology. The game is a mix of traditional casino games and virtual currencies, and is expected to launch in 2020. The game has partnered with several leading companies, including Polygon, Brave, and Flare, and has made inroads in the crypto gaming space. The success of Woxh has also attracted many new investors to this game. The company has a diverse gaming portfolio, which includes a number of eSports and action-packed VR titles. While its main focus is on making games popular, Woxh is also making waves in the crypto gaming industry.

WOXH is a blockchain-based game streaming platform that uses the peer to peer protocol associated with IPFS and and BTFS used by Dlive. The implementation of blockchain technology into WOXH is to provide a secure, decentralized and flexible platform to allow various games to be streamed. These blockchains still stand as the basis for new streaming services as they are not controlled by any central authority, helping to increase the security that supports streaming as they are basically designed to encrypt and secure information.

WOXH streaming platform helps users to play various types of games without considering bad network In any geographic area, every player finds himself through providing high latency internet connection, providing low bandwidth and much more for his users to reach their maximum potential without limit . WOXH helps make its customers comfortable by cutting all costs.


The rise of crypto forced the big players in the industry to get the best talent, and this made Woxh even more popular

The game combines blockchain and P2P CPU leasing for users, and has received many positive reviews and high ratings. It has a variety of other features and is one of the most innovative titles in the space. And if you’re looking for a unique gaming experience, Woxh is worth checking out.Playkey is another blockchain gaming project that is making waves in the crypto space. This new client for its platform is an innovative one that allows users to lease CPUs and GPUs to other users. This enables the system to work without the need of server centers. This helps the game industry grow as a whole. You can play games with your friends and family on the same virtual world!The blockchain technology in Woxh is a way to monetize the games in the crypto space. By using the cryptocurrency, developers can create and market a game that is exclusive to them.The blockchain technology makes this possible by eliminating the need to buy expensive hardware and avoid paying for high-tech servers. Those who are interested in the development of such a game should check out Woxh.

Problems With Traditional Game Streaming Platforms
Lack of data centers and servers in some geographic areas Need for high bandwidth internet connection Insufficient data limit Game ownership Distributed denial of service (DDOS) will consume all data allocated in 65 hours of 4k gameplay. Data caps are very common in the United States, and while unlimited plans are available for cellular use, the speeds available don’t always give you the same quality as a home Wi-Fi connection. One of the main drawbacks of traditional game streaming is the concept of game ownership. Despite Google’s commitment to “Stadia as a platform” and the ability to purchase individual games through the service, there’s no guarantee that it will last forever. Since you’re streaming games instead of downloading them, losing access to Stadia means losing access to all the games you purchased. The most obvious and most popular threat to the traditional game streaming industry is distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. User accounts and saved games are stored in the cloud. So with the service down, it’s impossible to play any games. This attack is executed directly to the game server.
In short, Woxh aims to solve the problem:

Lack of data centers and servers in some geographic areas
Need high bandwidth internet connection
Insufficient data limit
Game ownership
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS)
A well-known crypto gaming startup is Woxh
While Woxh has made a big splash in the crypto gaming sector, it is still far from the mainstream gaming industry. While the initial hype surrounding the game itself was unsustainable, cryptocurrency technology could be used to monetize virtual goods and services. Blockchain is already being used to facilitate digital transactions in various industries, including competitive gaming and gambling. Coins will allow people to profit by playing games in the real world. Another blockchain project that has made a big splash in the crypto gaming space is Woxh. The company has also developed a virtual home that is connected to the real world. These two projects are designed to work with each other. The main purpose of this blockchain is to allow people to make money playing games.

Advantages Of Game Streaming Platforms.

One of the advantages of a game streaming platform is that you earn money from your subscribers and associates, even from those who view your work.
It shows you to the world letting everyone know your talents and skills.
This gives you a lot of contracts, you can be promoted by top companies to become their brand ambassador.
Everyone who dreams or is looking for an opportunity to meet their favorite person who influences them can have a direct conversation with whom they want.
Those who see can get good gaming skills from the game streaming platform, they can play uniquely.

The game uses a decentralized platform to allow users to generate private keys for each game. Each player has to pay a fee for each transaction. Its unique model allows gamers to generate their own private keys and use them to play games, such as Fortnite. Then, they will have their own currency. While this is great for developers, this technology also has a number of drawbacks. As more and more gaming enthusiasts use cryptocurrencies to play games, it is possible to make more profits. The company has also made a big splash on blockchain by allowing users to lease their computer capacity to other users. In addition, it also has a large community of users who will gather and form a large collection of virtual goods. However,

In some areas, there is no data center or server.
Fast internet access is a must.
Due to lack of information, blockchain-based DDOS attacks on game servers.

: $ WXT
Decimal: 18
Shipping: 100 m
Tax: 10%


1 sq. M. 2022
launch Social networking launch (Telegram, Discord, Twitter, and Instagram)
Techrate Smart Contract Audit
Personal pre -sales
public pre -sales

2 sq. 2022
CertiK Smart Contract Audit
Listing on DEX
Listing on Coinmarketcap
Listing on Coinecko
Listing on CEX

3 sq. 2023
Bridges (Eth, Matic, Sol, etc.) Woxh
Offer Launch

More Information about WOXH

Instagram: https:// /

by; Lamonganz
link: :;u=3198651

RBX Coin

RBX Coin is an exchange platform that supports three different networks, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon chain (matic)

We are all well aware of the positive effects of blockchain technology. In fact, almost every private and local company in the world has started using the latest technology, namely Blockchain Technology.

RBX is the core utility token of the carbon element of the anchor product. Part of making the product easy to use is minimizing the head. While we recognize the benefits of the token transport tax, our goal is to increase the speed of RBX. Whether it’s reconnaissance, farming, fluid provisioning/managing, or simply interacting with external features, we want users to feel like they’re using them.

RBX does not cover zero transaction tax, with only a modest 2% sales tax. You can buy, store, move, retrieve and play without reducing your holdings. Part of its striking beauty is its timelessness. Not only rеrеrѕіble atоn, but also available for all to see. While this is already part of the blockchain’s functionality, we wanted to combine this data more easily.

That’s why RBX includes not only daily, not only simple totals, but also individual holdings. This allows us to build exclusive products and features for real holders, not just temporary wallets.

Even though cryptocurrencies have improved tremendously over the past few years, the financial industry has fallen behind as blockchain technology has brought it all together. As a result of these developments, cryptocurrencies can now be used in more complex financial cases.

As an added bonus, RBXC H ANGE is a Platform, a Multi-Function project created to exchange or convert crypto and fiat currencies globally in a secure and transparent way that can help us all get the most out of it, especially for crypto investors. First and foremost, let’s learn about the purpose of the project and its impact on our funders.

Since the surge in Virtual Reality, new types of products and applications have been developed to provide a platform for VR enthusiasts to exchange and share their VR-related content. The main challenge of the new VR market is the lack of a unified and secure environment for sharing VR Content. The development of Virtual Reality (VR) lately is extraordinary. VR stands at the frontier of coming of age in new media. It has been widely used in many sectors including military, medical, education, tourism, entertainment and so on. But there’s a problem facing the VR industry today: VR content isn’t abundant enough or isn’t available to end users.

As the cornerstone of the Carbon product ecosystem, the RBX token is used for general utility purposes across our multi-token staking platform, cross-chain DEX, leveraged liquidity pools, token launch pad, escrow tool, our decentralized fiat on/off ramp, and more. Holding an RBX entitles you to be rewarded for the revenue generated on each product, special voting rights, exclusive seniority-based privileges, and the ability to instantly burn your tokens into Ether through the use of our RBX Converter.

Ecosystem Fuel

Free. No bull. RBX only.

Part of making the product easy to use is minimizing headaches. While we recognize the tax benefits of token transactions, our goal is to increase the speed of RBX. Whether it’s snooping, farming, providing/managing liquidity, or simply interacting with external tools, we want our users to have fun using their tokens.

RBX is not subject to transaction tax, with only a modest 2% sales tax. You can buy, store, move, stake and play without reducing your holdings.

Say Hello To The RBX Family

Built from the ground up, our products aim to drive efficient capital flows.

RBXchange: Cross-chain decentralized exchange & liquidity management solution that allows you to trade any token across 18+ EVM chains. Uncensored. Infinite. Cannot be blocked.

P2P Fiat On/Off Ramp: Buy & sell crypto using 20+ different payment apps, like Cash App, PayPal or Venmo. All without the hassle of KYC.

Rocket Drop: DeFi’s Staking & Farming platform allows the creation of a reward system in just about any permutation imaginable. Open to all checked projects.

OTC Assist: An automated escrow interface that allows two or more parties to make Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades virtually from virtually any digital asset.

RBX Launch: A digital asset offering platform built to eliminate unscrupulous projects. Token lock, vesting schedule, auto check & more.

Multi-Cross Chain Bridge: Bridge RBX & other assets to almost any public EVM chain. Easily convert assets between blockchains, including BTC, XMR, ETH, & BN.

It’s Time to Recognize Reputation

No two handles are the same. RBX noted.

Part of the beauty of blockchain is its immutability. Not only are actions immutable, they are also available for everyone to see. While this is already part of the blockchain functionality, we wanted to make this data more accessible.

That’s why RBX combines not only daily snapshots of total supply, but individual holdings as well. This allows us to build exclusive products and features for real holders, not just temporary wallets.

Discover Our State of Persistent Development

Check out our release schedule & upcoming products.

RBXchange — DEX ICross-chain phase, 10+ chain EVM, leveraged liquidity list, fiat onrampJune 2021 [Released]RBXchange — Phase II Limit orders and Launcher widgets, allowing anyone to embed our products directly on their siteNov. 2021 [Beta]RBXchange — Phase IIIRecurring orders, block tradingQ1 2022RocketBridge — Phase 0Bridging RBX (and Clients) on all supported chains. The starting chain is ETH, BSC, then Polygon (Matic) & Avax.Oct. 4th 2021 [Released]RocketBridge — The ICross-chain phase of native asset transfers, such as ETH, XMR, BTC, & BNB.Q1 2022RocketBridge — Phase II Bridging any ERC-20 tokens, including the ability to retain custom functionality in destination .Q1 chains 2022RocketBridge — Phase III Live cross-chain token exchange. Automated cross-liquidity farming opportunities for users. Q2 2022RBX Agriculture & StakingReceive stable and independent volume yields for at least 12 months.Nov. 2021 [Released] OTC / EscrowSmart trading a contract based way of trustless & peer to peer asset exchange. Q1 2022 Derivatives Release of traditional, exotic & new derivatives. Tradeable directly via our DEX & using our asset-backed stablecoins.Q1 2022P2P Decentralized On/Off RampEasy to enter and exit Carbon Ecosystem assets with our smart contract automated system, use 20+ different payment types, such as Cash App, PayPal, or Venmo. All through the power of Defi, no KYC.Q1 2022Vesting Claims Untrustworthy and easy timelock tokens via smart contracts to be released on a fixed schedule (Day-Year), ensuring stable and consistent token release for project team members, clients, ETC. Q1 2022 [Released] RBX ConverterBurn RBX directly for Ethereum without affecting the price. Premium up to 30% off current price when holding Rocket Knockers NFTs.TBD

Powered By Carbon

RBX is the market implementation of Carbon’s new protocol suite.

Carbon is the ‘base layer’ of everything we do with RBX, acting as our umbrella brand and technology provider. Carbon engineered all the functions of the RBX ecosystem, providing a separation between R&D and practical market applications. While Carbon is a governance asset, it also derives value from accumulated revenue.

Each Carbon token is backed by a growing portfolio of digital assets generated from the economic activity of the ecosystem. This creates a steady and growing source of value, enabling anyone to have a part of what we do and every business we do.

Discover Our State of Persistent Development
Check out our release schedule & upcoming products.

RBXchange – ICross-chain DEX phase, 10+ chain EVM, leveraged liquidity list, fiat onrampJune 2021 [Released]RBXchange – Phase II Limit orders and Launcher widget, allowing anyone to embed our products directly on their siteNov. 2021 [Beta]RBXchange – Phase IIIRecurring orders, block tradesQ1 2022RocketBridge – Phase 0Bridging RBX (and Clients) on all supported chains. The starting chain is ETH, BSC, then Polygon (Matic) & Avax.Oct. 4th 2021 [Released]RocketBridge – Phase II transfers of ICross-native asset chains, such as ETH, XMR, BTC, & BNB.Q1 2022RocketBridge – Phase II Bridging any ERC-20 tokens, including the ability to retain special functionality on the destination chain .Q1 2022RocketBridge – Stage III Direct cross-chain token exchange. Automated cross-liquidity farming opportunity for users.Q2 2022RBX Agriculture & StakingReceive independent and stable volume yields for at least 12 months.Nov. 2021 [Released] OTC / EscrowSmart trading a contract based way of trustless & peer to peer asset exchange. Q1 2022 Derivatives Release of traditional, exotic & new derivatives. Tradeable directly via our DEX & using our asset-backed stablecoins.Q1 2022P2P Decentralized On/Off RampEasy to enter and exit Carbon Ecosystem assets with our smart contract automated system, use 20+ different payment types, such as Cash App, PayPal, or Venmo. All through the power of Defi no KYC.Q1 2022Vesting Claims Easy and reliable timelock token via smart contract to be released on a fixed schedule (Day-Year), ensuring stable and consistent token release for project team members, clients, ETC . Q1 2022 [Released] RBX ConverterBurn RBX directly for Ethereum without affecting the price. Premium up to 30% off current price when holding Rocket Knockers NFTs.TBD


What is Coinsale Finance?
RBX is the core utility token of the carbon element of the anchor product. Part of making the product easy to use is minimizing the head. While we recognize the benefits of the token transport tax, our goal is to increase the speed of RBX. Whether it’s reconnaissance, farming, fluid provisioning/managing, or simply interacting with external features, we want users to feel like they’re using them.

RBX does not cover zero transaction tax, with only a modest 2% sales tax. You can buy, store, move, retrieve and play without reducing your holdings. Part of its striking beauty is its timelessness. Not only rеrеrѕіble atоn, but also available for all to see. While this is already part of the blockchain’s functionality, we wanted to combine this data more easily.

That’s why RBX includes not only daily, not only simple totals, but also individual holdings. This allows us to build exclusive products and features for real holders, not just temporary wallets.

Features of RBX
RBX echаngе
A decentralized exchange & liquidity management solution that allows you to trade and tokens across 18+ EVMs. Uncensored. No answer. Cannot be blocked.

P2P Fiat On / Off Ram
Buy & sell using 20+ different statements like, like Cаѕh Arрр, PауPаl or Venmо. All without the KYC complex.

Drор DеFі Rocket
Stаkng & Farming & Farming platform that allows the creation of reward items on almost any ant. Open to all checked projects.

An OTC automated interface
that allows two or more parties to actually trade Over-the-Counter (OTC) of any asset sold.

RBX Launches Platform
offering digital assets built to eliminate unscrupulous projects. Baked lосkѕ tokens, schedule checks, auto checks & more.

Multi-Cross Chain Bridge
RBX Bridge & other assets to almost any EVM chain. Easily switch assets between blockchains, including BTC, XMR, ETH, & BNB.


Check out our release schedule & upcoming products.

RBXchange – Phase I : Cross-chain DEX, 10+ chain EVM, leveraged liquidity list, fiat onramp June 2021 [Released]
RBXchange – Phase II : Limit orders and Launcher widgetization, allowing anyone to embed our products directly on their siteNov. 2021 [Beta]
RBXchange – Phase III : Repeat order, block trade Q1 2022
RocketBridge – Phase 0 : Bridging RBX (and Clients) across all supported chains. The starting chain is ETH, BSC, then Polygon (Matic) & Avax. October 4, 2021 [Released]
RocketBridge – Phase I : Transfers across native asset chains, such as ETH, XMR, BTC, & BNB.Q1 2022
RocketBridge – Phase II : Bridging any ERC-20 tokens, including the ability to maintain custom functionality on the destination chain.Q1 2022
RocketBridge – Phase III : Live cross-chain token exchange. Automated cross-liquidity farming opportunities for users. Q2 2022
RBX Farming & Staking : Receive stable and volume independent results for at least 12 months. November 2021 [Released]
OTC / Escrow Trading: A smart contract based way to exchange trustless & easy assets peer to peer. Q1 2022
Derivatives : The release of traditional, exotic, & novel derivatives. Can be traded directly through our DEX & using our proprietary asset backed stablecoins. Q1 2022
P2P Decentralized Ramp On/Off: Easily get in and out of the way Carbon Ecosystem Assets with our smart contract automated system, using 20+ different payment types, such as Cash App, PayPal or Venmo. All through Defi power, no KYC. Q1 2022
Vesting Claims: Untrustworthy and easy timelock tokens via smart contracts will be released on a fixed schedule (Day-Year), ensuring stable and consistent token release for project team members, clients, DLLs. Q1 2022 [Released]
RBX Converter : Burn RBX directly for Ethereum without affecting the price. Premium up to 30% off current price when holding Rocket Knockers NFT. TBD

Blockchain Technology Consul is a game changer. It has the potential to make finance more efficient, accessible and highly effective. This is what the founders of RBX realized when they started developing a blockchain-based financial platform. Their job is to help maximize the potential of the blockade technique to help people around the world.

About RBX Token
Say hello to the RBX family. Built from scratch, our products aim to drive efficient capital flows.

RBXchangeCross-chain DEX which allows you to trade any token on 10+ EVM chains. Uncensored. Unlimited. Cannot be blocked.

P2P Fiat On/Off RampBuy & sell crypto using 20+ different payment apps, like Cash App, PayPal or Venmo. All without the hassle of KYC.

The Rocket DropStaking & farming platform allows the creation of a reward system in just about any permutation imaginable. Open to all checked projects.

OTC Assist An automated escrow interface that allows two or more parties to make Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades of almost any digital asset without trust.

RBX::Launches Digital asset offering platform created to eliminate unscrupulous projects. Token lock, vesting schedule, auto check & more.

Multi-Chain BridgeBridge RBX & other assets to almost any public EVM chain. Easily convert assets between blockchains, including BTC, XMR, ETH, & BNB.


additional details


Detail Kripto









by; Lamonganz

link: :;u=3198651


CoinRadr is the first comprehensive Blockchain-based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DeFi experience.


You don’t have enough time to thoroughly browse all crypto-related information about every new product, technology and/or asset you come across. You invest in the crypto market not only for trading purposes but also for product discovery, research and investment.

The CoinRadr All In One solution is an interface that allows you to understand these various infrastructures so you don’t have to spend a lot of time and resources doing your own research.

About CoinRadr

It will be interesting to see which new DeFi products the crypto community will create to adapt to the financial needs of various future use cases. Decentralized financial systems have the power to facilitate and optimize these use cases with their smart contracts, reliable and immutable trading history, real-time data collection and data portability. Future developments in DeFi could pave the way for a truly decentralized economy.

It is the first and only Blockchain-based DeFi solution that offers a complete DeFi experience in one place.

CoinRadr is a revolutionary encrypted coin tracking, education & trading app that gives crypto users an edge in the cryptocurrency market. Currently, it is the first and only DeFi solution fully integrated on the Blockchain that offers a complete complete DeFi experience.

CoinRadr is set to create a different cryptocurrency experience, by being the only all-in-one DeFi solution. DeFi solutions create different use cases for each crypto coin due to their unique characteristics. This creates a new crypto environment.

CoinRadr provides a fast and secure way to educate yourself on the cryptosphere, comprehensive access to coin information, market gains/losses, real-time portfolio value, and news alerts. Its built-in chart tools are designed to help you easily visualize data and track market movements, trends and prices.

CoinRadr is a mobile app that lets you perform automated market scans to get the latest and most accurate prices on the top crypto coins. This app is designed to help you identify which crypto coins are trending up or down, so you can make decisions quickly — it’s an automated crypto portfolio manager that does all the heavy lifting for you; allows users with minimal expertise in crypto trading to learn how to invest like a crypto pro and become a successful trader.

Join CoinRadr, the first Complete DeFi Solution that combines cryptocurrency tracking, education and trading in one app. Use CoinRadr to track over 1,500+ cryptocurrencies and receive important updates on their market prices with the latest real-time news feed. Learn all about the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in CoinRadr University interactive courses that you can play at your own pace, learn how to trade like a pro and make money with CoinRadr Autotrader, try our demo feature and easily buy or sell your favorite cryptocurrencies with ease at CoinRadr via our Buy/Sell feature.


Educational issues in the crypto space cannot be ignored despite the abundance of information available. Information at the forefront largely fulfills the dreams of new users promising them quick financial independence which then robs them of their need to be properly educated. This triggers ignorance and misperception by new users, especially those who don’t know how to consume information from the ground up and improve it. This caused a lot of losses as crypto was then considered and treated as a “get rich quick scheme”.

The Crypto space is experiencing chaos in its avalanche of activity and as technology, use cases, ecosystem, tokens and coins evolve every day, we can only experience unlimited eruptions in these various data point packages. If these data points are not collected properly, they can have a negative impact on the crypto experience for both investors and traders.


Proper education of all users on every aspect of crypto will provide a crypto experience by users and encourage faster adoption of crypto by people all over the world.

special features

  • Earn Daily Earnings: Complete certain tasks with the app to earn daily token incentives from app earnings.
    High APY Alert: Invest in the highest and safest APY from multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your money.
  • Portfolio Analysis: Profit and loss status of each asset is shown consistently.
  • News Alerts: Get the latest and trending news from top project teams and online media in real time.
  • Anti Pump & Dump Alerts: Provides a unique algorithm to detect pumps and dump coins quickly. It prevents investment losses due to bad or wrong decisions by traders and investors.
  • Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu for quick access to all features It makes it easy to find gem projects, check coin/token health and get instant feedback to help investment decisions.
  • Meme tokens: Memes have ushered in a new era of adoption. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on their social engagement data and market ratings.
  • NFT & Metaverse: Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens.
  • Trading Signals: Professional team provide hodl and long coin/token gem indicators. Trading with these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent.
  • Dapps Browser: Connect your offline wallet to a decentralized exchange for instant access. You can exchange your favorite tokens and do token exchange.
  • Launchpad: There are onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can invest in top startups and get a fair return on your money.
  • News: Never miss the top trending news on your radar.
    CoinRadr Socials: You can learn about the hottest crypto debates and trending tokens by watching social interactions from leading influencers.
  • Whale Warning: If whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be wary.
  • Import and export of analytical data: The login profile feature makes it easy to import your app details. You can create and sync your own personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported in various formats.
  • Exchange Sync : CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. Due to CoinRadr’s built-in security architecture, this feature is almost guaranteed. This concept is also a new approach to the coveted security of user data.


Participants and decentralization play an important role in the ecosystem, which is why the token distribution schedule was created to provide long-term ecosystem governance and oversight.

The following is a breakdown of TOKENOMICS based on the long-term goals of product development:

Total Supply 100 million $RADR

· Personal Sales — 2%

· Personal Pre -Sales – 0.7%

· Presale Round 1 (Public) — 3.6% (Pinksale)

· Pre-Sales Turnover 2-1.5% (XPAD)

· Liquidity 41%

· Liquidity Incentive 4.2%

· Tim 8%

8% Ecosystem Growth

· Community/Airdrop 5%

· Project Development 15%

· Marketing 11%

CoinRadr Token ($RADR) is for:

1. For long term DPY betting rewards

2. CoinRadr app DApp browser can be used to pay for all kinds of services.

3. The NFT and Metaverse utilities in the ecosystem will also be supported by $RADR.

4. A $RADR amount will be awarded to users based on the amount of time they spend in the app and how much they contribute to the ecosystem.

5. Serves as a payment method for all application-based transactions.

The cryptocurrency market and Blockchain technology have come a long way since 2010. What started with just one coin (Bitcoin) slowly grew over time to become thousands of coins and tokens today. Despite this huge achievement, the market is still very volatile. This fact has not hindered the wave of enthusiastic adoption by users around the world. One transaction can sometimes result in a loss or profit of millions of dollars in a short period of time. CoinRadr aims to revolutionize our daily lives by creating a DeFi solution that will provide an all-in-one DeFi experience to solve those problems and give crypto users an edge in the crypto market. Overall, CoinRadr is a new DeFi product that is starting to provide a comprehensive and unique DeFi experience.


$RADR Token is the native currency of ConRadr powering all its utilities. This will serve as a betting reward for long term DPY rewards. This will push all utilities for statements in using the daily browser everything. $ RADR token will push launch list & sub subscriptions. Rewards are incentivized in $RADR for APP users based on their activity and contribution to company growth. All NFT and Metaverе utilities in еоѕуѕtеm will be pushed using $RADR.

CoinRadr . Roadmap

Q4 2021

Formation of core project technical team, ecosystem idea, and legal framework.

Domain registered and website created.

Private selling rounds and seed rounds for first time investors.

Opening of VC Partners and Supporters (private Investors only)

Social media assignments & Marketing schedule

Lite Paper Publishing marketing campaign

Public Sales

Token integration and testing with Dex

List of CEX Bursa Exchanges

Staking pool :RADR

Q4 2021

Formation of core project technical team, ecosystem idea, and legal framework.

Domain registered and website created.

Private selling rounds and seed rounds for first time investors.

Opening of VC Partners and Supporters (private Investors only)

Social media assignments & Marketing schedule

Lite Paper Publishing marketing campaign

Public Sales

Token integration and testing with Dex

List of CEX Bursa Exchanges

Staking pool :RADR

Q4 2021

Formation of core project technical team, ecosystem idea, and legal framework.

Domain registered and website created.

Private selling rounds and seed rounds for first time investors.

Opening of VC Partners and Supporters (private Investors only)

Social media assignments & Marketing schedule

Lite Paper Publishing marketing campaign

Public Sales

Token integration and testing with Dex

List of CEX Bursa Exchanges

Staking pool :RADR


The share and decentralization of them is key, therefore token distribution is designed to provide a long-term monitoring schedule. TOKENOMICS is distributed according to the following captured long-term product development goals:


Our job is to help everyone make a secure income as easy as possible while providing the best possible experience. Our main goal is to provide our users with a reliable and trustworthy platform. We want people who buy tokens to be confident in their investment, and we want them to know that we made a promise.

For more information, please visit:




by;   Lamonganz

link: :;u=3198651


 11Minutes is a new unique Play2Earn NFT Game Series, using the Polygon Network for user friendly transactions, 


We are a team of 12 active in the hypercasual scene. Because of our work, we of course monitor the development of the gaming industry very carefully. Each of us is also interested in blockchain and its possibilities, so we come across Play2Earn games from time to time. Of course just for research reasons, as it should be for any reasonable developer, we certainly played some of these games.

We noticed that many of the games were more basic games with no frills, just existing concepts that were relatively impassively adapted to the blockchain, with the aim of pushing game tokens that were just as easily propagated to the market as the games themselves. At this point, I’m sure some games have crossed your mind. Yes, that’s the game we’re gossiping about right now.

Of course there is also jewelry, my personal favorite is “Gods Unchained”. The game is far from over and it still has its own quirks, but as a Hearthstone fan from the start, I had a lot of fun. Angry tongues will obfuscate that it’s just a copy of the famous game used on the blockchain. I’m just saying, yes, it’s true, but it’s well done and just fun! The collection is satisfying thanks to the combination of NFT creations with different material levels, which other trading card games cannot say. At this point, hats off “Gods Unchained”.

Of course we found other giants like “Axie Infinity” along the way. Axie is really very smart, the NFT idea is used really well here. That leaves a lot of people using their own version of the same system, but let’s stick with Axie.

Breeding is fun and associated with a certain tension, of course certain tactics are also needed here. In my opinion, the game itself is not the best. A large community has formed around him, with scholarships and everything, but it’s a bit monotonous. People are still getting it right, as evidenced by the inclusion of the Samsung Next.

ELVN Token Has Arrived

ELVN token, the first multi-dimensional token with 11Minutes is finally here! You can also get your tokens, as the list is showing on 11–1 (January 11) at 11:11 UTC on PancakeSwap. However, during the first 5 minutes of listing, only whitelisted participants can purchase token allocations. All players who participated in the daily competition prior to the roster will be whitelisted. Therefore, it’s time to play!

The first Multi-Dimensional Token

The ELVN token will be multidimensional, existing in both crypto and gaming dimensions. Here are some of its features

Easy Switching: Switch between dimensions seamlessly. While going from the crypto dimension to the game doesn’t cost anything, users who switch from the game to the crypto dimension have to pay a minimal fee.

Crypto Dimension : You can buy, trade and sell your tokens on crypto exchanges easily in crypto dimension. However, automated farming is not available in the crypto dimension. Selling your tokens or wallet transfers will require a 10% fee, of which 4% will each be used for the liquidity and NFT staking pool, while the rest will burn.

Game Dimension: Whereas in the game dimension, the token will be known as gELVN and can be used for various purposes. For example, tokens can be used to buy NFTs, enter yourself into tier lists, and participate in IDOs. Players only have to pay a fee if they transfer tokens between wallets or switch back to the crypto dimension. Transfers and stake bets will cost 10%, each 3% will be used for liquidity, NFT pools and token farming, while 1% is burned.

Every early Investor from Pre-Sale will get gELVN . Token

For TGE Events and for vesting days, we will disable video fees from the Crypto Dimension, so that every Investor has the opportunity to get Tokens to the Crypto Dimension without paying anything.

Say Hello To The New Competition Mode

If you want to get rewards every day of the week, then this is for you. Get ready to work on it because the daily and daily leaderboard rankings are here. Enjoy 4 game sessions every day to earn a place on the leaderboard and get a chance to win great prizes.

But the imbalance doesn’t end every day. The results of the daily action-packed gaming sessions will be considered for television’s fourth ranking, where the top 10 players stand a chance to win



11Minutes Platform is a unique global gaming platform built using multiple smart contract systems, bringing together all parts of the gaming industry ecosystem where all players, developers, merchants and gaming communities can get fair, transparent and fair rewards that they get in ELVN Tokens which can be easily exchanged on the open market. The ecosystem built around the gaming process can be broadcast using the 11Minutes Streaming platform, ELVN Coin as well as being a marketplace for the gaming platform and also as a platform for trading in-game items. The 11Minutes platform Developer Market gets a share of the transaction fees and bets. In this case ELVN Coin made a withdrawal of funds to make this game on the 11Minutes crowdfunding Platform, part of the income was also distributed to investors.

Useful Links:

Horgi Token

Horgi Token Project Review

Today I will discuss about the best coin meme called horgitoken. Memecoin is nothing new in the cryptocurrency world. The most famous are Dogecoin which was created in 2013 as a joke and Shiba Inu which was created in 2020. They have seen a lot of price action and huge profits since their creation. It can be said with confidence that meme coins are now an indispensable part of the cryptocurrency world and will definitely remain. Those who originally deleted it have been disappointed. As the name suggests, meme coins are just a meme-obsessed cryptocurrency asset. Dogs are a popular pet choice and the dog theme in meme coins is widely accepted by investors, and popular cryptocurrency exchanges are starting to recognize them by listing them. Therefore, HORGI token is a meme coin based on the horgi dog which is a mixed breed of dog. Despite their small stature, they are known to be loyal, intelligent, full of energy and love to play. The HORGI token aims to reflect the attributes of this very cute dog breed. HORGI is the newest dog-themed memecoin on Binance Smart Chain. This is a 100% community driven memecoin. The community is an integral part of the HORGI token project. Mission & Vision The community is an integral part of the HORGI token project. Mission & Vision The community is an integral part of the HORGI token project. Mission & Vision

HORGI is a mixed breed dog that, although small, is full of energy and agile. The HORGI token is the newest dog-themed meme on the Binance Smart Chain. This is not just a keepsake but provides a real world use place that brings a long overdue solution to rурtо. nthnthORGI utilt аn еrоw аment еrvе thаt rоvіdеѕ platform through which their rtосurrеnсу service rоvdеr nl nd is HORGI 100% community driven and also has NFT collection with retrieval feature. NFT bettors earn the saved income generated from a portion of transportation taxes and service fees.

Our mission is to create widely accepted, popular and valuable tokenized assets; we aim to offer a new and reliable cryptocurrency in the form of HORGI tokens. We also aim to provide a platform where investors enjoy the benefits of NFT staking and locked-in liquidity. With transparent and secure transactions, a vibrant and active community that creates value, we aim to build a brand where investors enjoy the most. The HORGI token is a meme coin that has a revolutionary dog-themed NFT ecosystem. Our token ensures the maintenance of privacy, security, power and autonomy.


The HORGI ecosystem is based on three important features namely NFTS betting, locked liquidity and a dynamic community

  • Taruhan NFT

Further to the roadmap, NFT HORGI will be released with a staking feature. Our NFT holders will be able to stake them for rewards. The staking platform will be audited and SAFU (Secure Asset Fund for Users). It is one of the safest and eco-friendly methods to earn passive income in cryptocurrency. HORGI NFT betting will be another way to profit simply by holding valuable NFT while its value continues to increase over time. If you are an NFT lover and interested in earning passive income by holding and staking it, this is the place to be.

– Locked Liquidity

Liquidity is locked by handing over control of a liquidity pool (LP) token for a specified period of time by sending it to a time-locking smart contract. Without control of LP tokens, developers cannot take liquidity pool funds. Liquidity locker is a SAFU measure that guarantees against

malicious acts by denying the developer the ability to access LP funds. The HORGI token LP key link can be found on the website.

– Lively Community

The importance of a dynamic and active community in any successful cryptocurrency project

cannot be overemphasized. The price of any token is directly proportional to the level of engagement and activity of the community behind it. The HORGI token has a close-knit community that is constantly engaged to ensure the success of the project. As the community grows and develops, the HORGI brand becomes more and more valuable. In this project, a lot of effort was made on community involvement. This is the only way to ensure the acceptance and acquisition of a large token price.

Advantages of Horgi

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One of the most important features of the HORGI token is that it is fueled by a fun and active community of meme coin lovers. Our energetic and passionate community members are always ready to support activities that add brand value, making HORGI one of the best dog-themed meme tokens in the crypto space.

Multichain Bridge

As stated in the roadmap, there is availability of bridges to other networks such as ETH, FTM and POLYGON. This opens the token to investors on other networks ensuring a steady inflow of new investors and upward price action. Also, the maximum amount per wallet is 3% of the total supply and the maximum number of transactions is limited to 1% of the total supply i.e. 1 billion tokens. This vital anti-whale/anti-dump feature ensures that token prices cannot be easily manipulated.

Safe and Secure

Another important feature of the HORGI token is that its smart contracts are verified, and its liquidity is locked. It is very advantageous that it has a fast and secure ecosystem, and the risk is zero for investors. This protects the public from potential bad actors.

Horgi Token has an innovative and reliable token that ensures the long term of the project.
All HORGI transactions (buy and sell) are subject to a 10% fee.
5% of tax goes to marketing, 2% goes to NFT staked, 2% goes to liudt оol and 1% goes to development.
Your maximum buy and view transaction is 1 billion tokens which is 1% of the total exchange rate.

Our job is to create a widely recognized, popular and token-worthy asset; we aim to offer a new and reliable currency in the form of HORGI tokens. We also aim to provide a platform where investors enjoy the benefits of lurking NFT and earn profits. With transparent and secure transactions, an active and active community that creates value, we aim to build a brand through which investors. The HORGI token is a meme that has the revolutionary elements of a dog-themed NFT. Our token ensures maintenance of rva, есurіt, interest and autonomy.


Whitepaper :
by; Lamonganz
link: :;u=3198651


PumSwap is an innovative automated exchanger with a hybrid of a direct centralized exchange and a decentralized exchange.

Hello friends, crypto lovers currency .today I will discuss about pumpswap please have a look at situs web before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends,such as PUM one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity.

How does PumSwap work?

PumSwap is a decentralized trading platform that allows its users to trade cryptocurrencies, digital tokens, and cryptocurrency derivatives with each other via a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Platform users are allowed to invest in digital assets or tokens and earn the same interest. The platform offers various investment options such as PumCoin , PumSwap insurance, PumSwap arbitrage, and various other services.

PumSwap is a DEX Exchanger with 3 Different Type Of Blockchain Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network

PumSwap is the perfect ecosystem for automated liquidity that is provisioned in the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network

PumSwap is a decentralized exchange or DEX created for swapping BEP20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, ERC20 tokens on Ethereum with KIP20 tokens on the OkexChain Network. PumSwap is the perfect ecosystem for automated liquidity that is provisioned in the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network where users can trade against a liquidity pool.

Those pools are filled with users’ funds. They deposit them into the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in exchange. Now, they can use those tokens to reclaim their share, plus a portion of the trading fees.

Three Different Type of switching network on Mainnet

DEX Trading with Ethereum Network

DEX Trading with Binance Smart Chain Network

DEX Trading with OkexChain Network

Why PumSwap Dex?

PumSwap is the three different type of network BEP20-ERC20-KIP20 Mainnet. Low cost transection fees with reliable user interface. Secure dex trading with switching three type of network from same interface. So, stay turned & happy dex trading with pumswap.


To create a strong foundation for the community by giving them incentives in exchange for their support of the Swap Platform. Creating an advanced ecosystem for automated liquidity provisioned on the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Mainnet Network.


Our main target is consumers who are avoiding the high gas fees of Ethereum Blockchain. We aim to be the best platform to manage BSC and OKT chain swaps. We also have an Etherium Blockchain.


Benefits of Using PumSwap Dex

World Wide Platform

World Wide Platform:

You can use PumSwap swapping platform through decentrelized blockchain on the world wide transection mathod of digital crypto currencies. Fill free to use this ecosystem from any countries. No need to share your personal informations.

Safe Transactions

Safe Transactions:

Low cost transection fees using through BEP20-Binance Smart Chain Network with KIP20-OkexChain Mainnet Network. Safe Transection mathod also use ERC20- Ethereum Blockchain. If you want o avoid high cost transection fees You can use BSC or OKT network.

Digital Payment Ecosystems

Digital Payment Ecosystems:

P2P transetion ecosystem using digital currencies strong & secure digital currencies wallet. Third party Payment ecosystem for transection mathod. All access you have to secured your own accesspoint.

Safe & Secure

Safe Your Own Accesspoint


Global Single-Platform:

You can use PumSwap globally for swap. Connect globally your own wallet for join with us. The single global platform PumSwap is the safe & secured for all transection on BSC, ETH or OKT chain network. Very easy to use our PumSwap global single platform.

Be Safe and Secure

Be Safe and Secure:

You should be save your own public & private keys from your wallet. You can access PumSwap platform using through third party accesspoint contract such as MetaMask

Decentralize Payment Systems

Decentralize Payment Systems

Any one can’t access your own payment & transection for decentralized. Only you have access your own wallet with public & private keys. You can transection from your own accesspoint through third party perfect ecosystem on smart contract.

How it works

PumSwap Ecosystem based on three different type of blockchain

Introducing DEX Trading Usercenter

First of we release our major update with usercenter design which is most important part of Decentralized Exchange. It allows to manage whole process of Swap or Trade.


Pum Token is a decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain, developed on three different Blockchains namely: Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & Okexchain Mainnet Network., Used as governance token in Pum swap Ecosystem, These tokens will be minted during the Liquidity Mining process. Users holding Pum tokens and participating in token presale will have the chance to win 10,000 USDT wort pum tokens which are distributed among 3 lucky winners who adopt a fair distribution system without any private placement or pre-mining schemes, Control will be completely in the hands of the Community, Provide more Requests for Swapping and create a fully Transparent Platform.


The PumSwap Pre-Sale will go live after the testnet airdrop ends. Mainnet Pre-Sale starts from 27 Oct 2021. Mainnet Tokens You can transfer & use these tokens to trade or exchange. Mainnet tokens will be live on our own DEX & other decentralized/centralized exchangers.

Mainnet Pre-Sale Start Date: (27 October 2021)
Mainnet Pre-Sale Token Price is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB
Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live for: 30 Days

Bonuses For Mainnet Pre-Sale Investors

Pre-sale investors who have purchased a minimum amount of 1 BNB will be registered to the withdrawal list. A total of $10,000 USDT reword pool. Take a snapshot for 3 random winners. Winners will be announced 3 working days after the pre-sale ends.

First Winner: $5000 USDT
Second Place: $3000 USDT
Third Winner: $2000 USDT

Pre -sale:

Price of 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB

Price 1 BNB = 20,000 PUM

Bonus for Pre-sale:

Pre-sale investors who have purchased a minimum amount of 1 BNB will be registered to the withdrawal register. The total prize pool is $10,000 USDT. Take a snapshot for 3 random winners. Winners will be announced 3 working days after the pre-sale ends.

  1. First Winner: $5000 USDT
  2. Second Place: $3000 USDT
  3. Third Winner: $2000 USDT

Buy Tokens:

How to Buy:

Why would I join the presale?

The presale is for private sale only of some tokens of the main Pumswap contract at a low price with no risk.

PreSale price or ICO price among so many differences. After the presale ends, the Pumswap ICO will start.

Why do I stake my $PUM tokens?

In a few days we will release the Pumswap staking platform. stay connected we will announce…

Don’t miss the opportunity…

Token PumSwap (PUM):

Smart Contract: 0x11608EDd16091f296F12D362cB8756655C7FA986

Pre -Sale Contract: 0x25954aa2C327D2358dC3dA7156D57Dd7B9519f3C

by; Lamonganz
link: :;u=3198651
Telegram: @Lamonganz
bsc wallet 0x17B5bB33bfa1bdF96Fb42E7239eE5eBb2BBE9979

#pumswap #pum #cryptocurrency #presale #ico

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